

A location or facility where air or surface transportation originates, stops and/or terminates, and where passengers and/or cargo can be taken on or off.


Name Description Type Required Generic Enum Ignore
affinityArrivalRequest An arrival location and time information for affinity shopping requests. array false AffinityArrivalRequest --- false
affinityDepRequest A Departure location and time information for affinity shopping requests. array false AffinityDepRequest --- false
aircraftParkingPosition A Gate or hard stand where an aircraft may park. array false AircraftParkingPosition --- false
bagActivity A condition in which things are happening or being done to a bag, such as 'scan a bag'. BagActivity true false
collectionPointTax A Tax data breakdown by collection point for XF (Passenger Facility Fee) and ZP (federal tax segment) taxes. CollectionPointTax false false
destStationDatedOperatingSegment An operation between board point and any subsequent off point within the same flight designator. Could be one or more legs. Could also be used for other transport vehicles such as train or bus etc. array false DatedOperatingSegment --- false
destStationOriginDest An Origin and Destination airport/city pair which confines a passenger journey or an aircraft flight. array false OriginDest --- false
iataLocationCode IATA defined code identifying a city or station. IataLocationCode false false
originStationDatedOperatingSegment An operation between board point and any subsequent off point within the same flight designator. Could be one or more legs. Could also be used for other transport vehicles such as train or bus etc. array false DatedOperatingSegment --- false
originStationOriginDest An Origin and Destination airport/city pair which confines a passenger journey or an aircraft flight. array false OriginDest --- false
stationCriteria A references to customer's requested Station filter criteria. StationCriteria true false
stationName Name of the station. E.g. George Bush Intercontinental Airport string false false
terminal A departure and/or arrival building for aircraft, passengers or freight at a station for any transport mode. array false Terminal --- false
transportArrival An action or process of arriving of a transport vehicle in any place or location. array false TransportArrival --- false
transportDep An action or process of leaving of a transport vehicle from any place or location. array false TransportDep --- false
  "affinityArrivalRequest" : [ {
    "affinityOriginDest" : { },
    "country" : { },
    "countrySubDivision" : { },
    "date" : "string",
    "proximityDistanceMeasure" : { },
    "station" : { },
    "time" : "string"
  } ],
  "affinityDepRequest" : [ {
    "affinityOriginDest" : { },
    "country" : { },
    "countrySubDivision" : { },
    "date" : "string",
    "proximityDistanceMeasure" : { },
    "station" : { },
    "time" : "string"
  } ],
  "aircraftParkingPosition" : [ {
    "aircraftParkingPositionIdentifier" : "string",
    "bagActivity" : { },
    "station" : { },
    "transportArrival" : [ { } ],
    "transportDep" : [ { } ]
  } ],
  "bagActivity" : {
    "activityCode" : { },
    "actualDateTime" : "string",
    "aircraftParkingPosition" : { },
    "baggageClaim" : { },
    "baggageProcess" : { },
    "bagSegment" : { },
    "bagStatus" : { },
    "boardingGate" : { },
    "checkInDesk" : { },
    "descText" : "string",
    "handlingAgency" : { },
    "handlingAgent" : { },
    "handlingBay" : { },
    "handlingStation" : { },
    "offStationInd" : "boolean",
    "operatingCarrier" : { },
    "paxStatus" : { },
    "screeningDeviceIdentifier" : "string",
    "screeningMethodCode" : { },
    "seqOrdinal" : "integer",
    "terminal" : { },
    "terminalPier" : { },
    "terminalSatellite" : { }
  "collectionPointTax" : {
    "airportAmount" : { },
    "airportCurCode" : "string",
    "station" : { },
    "tax" : [ { } ]
  "destStationDatedOperatingSegment" : [ {
    "bagSegment" : { },
    "datedMarketingSegment" : [ { } ],
    "datedOperatingFlight" : { },
    "datedOperatingLeg" : [ { } ],
    "datedOperatingSegmentIdentifier" : "string",
    "dateVariationNumber" : "number",
    "destStation" : { },
    "duration" : "string",
    "operatingCarrier" : { },
    "operatingCarrierFlightNumberText" : "string",
    "operationalSuffixText" : "string",
    "originStation" : { },
    "secureFlightInd" : "boolean",
    "segmentTypeCode" : { },
    "statusCode" : "string",
    "stopsNumber" : "number"
  } ],
  "destStationOriginDest" : [ {
    "calendarDateCriteria" : { },
    "carrierFee" : { },
    "datedMarketingSegment" : [ { } ],
    "destArrivalCriteria" : { },
    "destStation" : { },
    "journeyDurationCriteria" : { },
    "originDepRequest" : { },
    "originDestIdentifier" : "string",
    "originStation" : { },
    "paxJourney" : [ { } ],
    "rbd" : [ { } ],
    "ticketDocInfo" : { }
  } ],
  "iataLocationCode" : {
    "iataLocationCodeEnum" : { }
  "originStationDatedOperatingSegment" : [ {
    "bagSegment" : { },
    "datedMarketingSegment" : [ { } ],
    "datedOperatingFlight" : { },
    "datedOperatingLeg" : [ { } ],
    "datedOperatingSegmentIdentifier" : "string",
    "dateVariationNumber" : "number",
    "destStation" : { },
    "duration" : "string",
    "operatingCarrier" : { },
    "operatingCarrierFlightNumberText" : "string",
    "operationalSuffixText" : "string",
    "originStation" : { },
    "secureFlightInd" : "boolean",
    "segmentTypeCode" : { },
    "statusCode" : "string",
    "stopsNumber" : "number"
  } ],
  "originStationOriginDest" : [ {
    "calendarDateCriteria" : { },
    "carrierFee" : { },
    "datedMarketingSegment" : [ { } ],
    "destArrivalCriteria" : { },
    "destStation" : { },
    "journeyDurationCriteria" : { },
    "originDepRequest" : { },
    "originDestIdentifier" : "string",
    "originStation" : { },
    "paxJourney" : [ { } ],
    "rbd" : [ { } ],
    "ticketDocInfo" : { }
  } ],
  "stationCriteria" : {
    "connectionCriteria" : { },
    "prefLevel" : { },
    "station" : [ { } ]
  "stationName" : "string",
  "terminal" : [ {
    "bagActivity" : { },
    "baggageClaim" : [ { } ],
    "boardingGate" : [ { } ],
    "checkInDesk" : [ { } ],
    "handlingBay" : [ { } ],
    "iataTerminalCode" : { },
    "station" : { },
    "terminalName" : "string",
    "terminalPier" : [ { } ],
    "terminalSatellite" : [ { } ],
    "transportArrival" : [ { } ],
    "transportDep" : [ { } ]
  } ],
  "transportArrival" : [ {
    "aircraftParkingPosition" : { },
    "aircraftScheduledArrivalDateTime" : "string",
    "arrivalStation" : { },
    "boardingGate" : { },
    "checkInDesk" : { },
    "datedMarketingSegment" : { },
    "datedOperatingLeg" : { },
    "handlingBay" : { },
    "terminal" : { },
    "terminalPier" : { },
    "terminalSatellite" : { }
  } ],
  "transportDep" : [ {
    "aircraftParkingPosition" : { },
    "aircraftScheduledDepDateTime" : "string",
    "boardingGate" : { },
    "checkIn" : { },
    "checkInDesk" : { },
    "datedOperatingLeg" : { },
    "depStation" : { },
    "depTerminal" : { },
    "handlingBay" : { },
    "terminalPier" : { },
    "terminalSatellite" : { }
  } ]