A Tax data breakdown by collection point for XF (Passenger Facility Fee) and ZP (federal tax segment) taxes.
Name |
Description |
Type |
Required |
Generic |
Enum |
Ignore |
airportAmount |
Amount filed by the airport in the currency applicable to the geographical location of the airport. |
Amount |
false |
false |
airportCurCode |
Currency code at airport. |
string |
false |
false |
station |
A location or facility where air or surface transportation originates, stops and/or terminates, and where passengers and/or cargo can be taken on or off. |
Station |
true |
false |
tax |
A compulsory contribution to state revenue, levied by the government on workers' income and business profits or added to the cost of some goods, services, and transactions. |
array |
false |
Tax |
--- |
false |
"airportAmount" : {
"curCode" : "string",
"value" : "number"
"airportCurCode" : "string",
"station" : {
"affinityArrivalRequest" : [ { } ],
"affinityDepRequest" : [ { } ],
"aircraftParkingPosition" : [ { } ],
"bagActivity" : { },
"collectionPointTax" : { },
"destStationDatedOperatingSegment" : [ { } ],
"destStationOriginDest" : [ { } ],
"iataLocationCode" : { },
"originStationDatedOperatingSegment" : [ { } ],
"originStationOriginDest" : [ { } ],
"stationCriteria" : { },
"stationName" : "string",
"terminal" : [ { } ],
"transportArrival" : [ { } ],
"transportDep" : [ { } ]
"tax" : [ {
"addlFiledTaxCode" : { },
"addlTaxCode" : { },
"amount" : { },
"approximateInd" : "boolean",
"appTypeCode" : "string",
"collectionInd" : "boolean",
"collectionPointTax" : [ { } ],
"country" : { },
"countrySubDivision" : { },
"curConversion" : { },
"descText" : "string",
"filedAmount" : { },
"filedTaxCode" : { },
"interlineSettlementInfo" : { },
"qualifierCode" : { },
"refundInd" : "boolean",
"salesTaxRegistration" : { },
"taxCode" : { },
"taxSummary" : { },
"typeCode" : { }
} ]