An Origin and Destination airport/city pair which confines a passenger journey or an aircraft flight.
Name |
Description |
Type |
Required |
Generic |
Enum |
Ignore |
calendarDateCriteria |
A request to an airline to additionally include a preview of the Offer price for a specified date range for the same Shopping Criteria. |
CalendarDateCriteria |
false |
false |
carrierFee |
A Carrier imposed fee detail, typically related to booking, ticketing, or servicing. |
CarrierFee |
false |
false |
datedMarketingSegment |
A commercial designation under which a Dated Operating Segment can be booked, either under the operating carrier's designator or that of another carrier (codeshare). |
array |
false |
DatedMarketingSegment |
--- |
false |
destArrivalCriteria |
A Customer's requested Destination arrival time and location for an Origin and Destination shopping request. |
DestArrivalCriteria |
true |
false |
destStation |
A location or facility where air or surface transportation originates, stops and/or terminates, and where passengers and/or cargo can be taken on or off. |
Station |
true |
false |
journeyDurationCriteria |
A shopping filter criteria based on total Journey duration. This includes the sum of all flight durations as well as connection times. |
JourneyDurationCriteria |
false |
false |
originDepRequest |
A Customer's requested Origin departure time and location for an Origin and Destination shopping request. |
OriginDepRequest |
true |
false |
originDestIdentifier |
Uniquely identifies an Origin Destination within the context of one message. |
string |
false |
false |
originStation |
A location or facility where air or surface transportation originates, stops and/or terminates, and where passengers and/or cargo can be taken on or off. |
Station |
true |
false |
paxJourney |
A collection of segments which satisfies transportation of a passenger for a given origin and destination. |
array |
false |
PaxJourney |
--- |
false |
rbd |
A categorization used to facilitate access to inventory, application of filed fares, and to identify cabin entitlement. Identified using a single alpha character. E.g. 'J' for Business Class Premium, 'D' for Business Discounted. Reservation Booking Designator - RBD. |
array |
false |
Rbd |
--- |
false |
ticketDocInfo |
An Information corresponding to a group of 1 to 4 Tickets for a single Origin Destination and a single Passenger. |
TicketDocInfo |
false |
false |
"calendarDateCriteria" : {
"daysAfterNumber" : "number",
"daysBeforeNumber" : "number",
"originDest" : { }
"carrierFee" : {
"amount" : { },
"appCode" : "string",
"carrier" : { },
"fareComponent" : [ { } ],
"originDest" : { },
"paymentMethod" : { },
"rbdCode" : { },
"reportingCodeText" : "string",
"taxSummary" : { },
"ticketDocInfo" : { },
"typeCode" : "string"
"datedMarketingSegment" : [ {
"carrier" : { },
"datedMarketingSegmentIdentifier" : "string",
"datedMarketingSegmentRbd" : [ { } ],
"datedOperatingSegment" : { },
"dateVariationNumber" : "number",
"funnelFlightInd" : "boolean",
"inventoryQualifiers" : [ { } ],
"journeyData" : { },
"marketingCarrierFlightNumberText" : "string",
"marriageGroupSegment" : { },
"operationalSuffixText" : "string",
"originDest" : { },
"paxSegment" : [ { } ],
"secureFlightInd" : "boolean",
"stopsNumber" : "number",
"ticketlessInd" : "boolean",
"transportArrival" : { }
} ],
"destArrivalCriteria" : {
"date" : "string",
"originDest" : { },
"time" : "string",
"timeAfterMeasure" : { },
"timeBeforeMeasure" : { }
"destStation" : {
"affinityArrivalRequest" : [ { } ],
"affinityDepRequest" : [ { } ],
"aircraftParkingPosition" : [ { } ],
"bagActivity" : { },
"collectionPointTax" : { },
"destStationDatedOperatingSegment" : [ { } ],
"destStationOriginDest" : [ { } ],
"iataLocationCode" : { },
"originStationDatedOperatingSegment" : [ { } ],
"originStationOriginDest" : [ { } ],
"stationCriteria" : { },
"stationName" : "string",
"terminal" : [ { } ],
"transportArrival" : [ { } ],
"transportDep" : [ { } ]
"journeyDurationCriteria" : {
"affinityShoppingCriteria" : { },
"maximumTimeMeasure" : { },
"originDest" : { },
"prefCode" : { }
"originDepRequest" : {
"date" : "string",
"originDest" : { },
"time" : "string",
"timeAfterMeasure" : { },
"timeBeforeMeasure" : { }
"originDestIdentifier" : "string",
"originStation" : {
"affinityArrivalRequest" : [ { } ],
"affinityDepRequest" : [ { } ],
"aircraftParkingPosition" : [ { } ],
"bagActivity" : { },
"collectionPointTax" : { },
"destStationDatedOperatingSegment" : [ { } ],
"destStationOriginDest" : [ { } ],
"iataLocationCode" : { },
"originStationDatedOperatingSegment" : [ { } ],
"originStationOriginDest" : [ { } ],
"stationCriteria" : { },
"stationName" : "string",
"terminal" : [ { } ],
"transportArrival" : [ { } ],
"transportDep" : [ { } ]
"paxJourney" : [ {
"alacarteofferitem" : [ { } ],
"baggageAllowance" : { },
"duration" : "string",
"flightService" : [ { } ],
"interlineSettlementInfo" : { },
"originDest" : { },
"paxJourneyIdentifier" : "string",
"paxSegment" : [ { } ]
} ],
"rbd" : [ {
"datedMarketingSegmentRbd" : { },
"fareComponent" : { },
"flightCriteria" : { },
"marketingCarrierRbdPaxSegment" : [ { } ],
"operatingCarrierRbdPaxSegment" : [ { } ],
"originDest" : { },
"rbdCode" : { },
"typeCode" : "string"
} ],
"ticketDocInfo" : {
"bookingAgency" : { },
"bookingRef" : [ { } ],
"bookletQty" : "number",
"carrierFee" : { },
"commission" : { },
"endorsementText" : "string",
"fareDetail" : { },
"orderAmendment" : { },
"originalIssueInfo" : { },
"originDest" : { },
"pax" : { },
"paymentInfo" : [ { } ],
"penalty" : [ { } ],
"pricingCountryCode" : { },
"pricingDate" : "string",
"pricingLocationCode" : { },
"pricingTime" : "string",
"referencedOrder" : { },
"servicingAgency" : { },
"ticket" : [ { } ],
"ticketRefIdentification" : [ { } ]