

A references to customer's requested Station filter criteria.


Name Description Type Required Generic Enum Ignore
connectionCriteria A References to a Transfer location specific filter criteria for shopping requests. ConnectionCriteria true false
prefLevel An Information supporting some shopping filter criteria, including preference level code (e.g. Preferred, Exclude, etc.). PrefLevel false false
station A location or facility where air or surface transportation originates, stops and/or terminates, and where passengers and/or cargo can be taken on or off. array false Station --- false
  "connectionCriteria" : {
    "affinityOriginDest" : { },
    "connectionCriteriaIdentifier" : "string",
    "connectionPricingInd" : "boolean",
    "interlineInd" : "boolean",
    "maximumConnectionQty" : "number",
    "maximumConnectionTime" : "string",
    "minimumConnectionTime" : "string",
    "shoppingCriteria" : { },
    "stationCriteria" : [ { } ]
  "prefLevel" : {
    "airlineCriteria" : [ { } ],
    "allianceCriteria" : [ { } ],
    "fareCriteria" : [ { } ],
    "flightCharacteristicsCriteria" : [ { } ],
    "flightCriteria" : { },
    "groupFareCriteria" : [ { } ],
    "keyValueProperty" : { },
    "prefContextText" : "string",
    "prefLevelCode" : { },
    "serviceCriteria" : [ { } ],
    "stationCriteria" : { }
  "station" : [ {
    "affinityArrivalRequest" : [ { } ],
    "affinityDepRequest" : [ { } ],
    "aircraftParkingPosition" : [ { } ],
    "bagActivity" : { },
    "collectionPointTax" : { },
    "destStationDatedOperatingSegment" : [ { } ],
    "destStationOriginDest" : [ { } ],
    "iataLocationCode" : { },
    "originStationDatedOperatingSegment" : [ { } ],
    "originStationOriginDest" : [ { } ],
    "stationCriteria" : { },
    "stationName" : "string",
    "terminal" : [ { } ],
    "transportArrival" : [ { } ],
    "transportDep" : [ { } ]
  } ]