

An action or process of arriving of a transport vehicle in any place or location.


Name Description Type Required Generic Enum Ignore
aircraftParkingPosition A Gate or hard stand where an aircraft may park. AircraftParkingPosition false false
aircraftScheduledArrivalDateTime The Scheduled Date and Time of Arrival of the aircraft at the terminal or departure gate at an airport. string false false
arrivalStation A location or facility where air or surface transportation originates, stops and/or terminates, and where passengers and/or cargo can be taken on or off. Station false false
boardingGate An infrastructure facility and space allocated for retrieval of baggage. BaggageClaim false false
checkInDesk An exit/entry from an airport building to an aircraft. Could for example be a boarding gate, arrival gate, departing gate etc. BoardingGate false false
datedMarketingSegment A commercial designation under which a Dated Operating Segment can be booked, either under the operating carrier's designator or that of another carrier (codeshare). DatedMarketingSegment true false
datedOperatingLeg A nonstop operation of a transport vehicle between the departure station and the arrival station. Can be used for aircrafts as well as other transport vehicles such as train or bus etc. DatedOperatingLeg true false
handlingBay An infrastructure facility in a recessed or enclosed area for baggage handling. HandlingBay false false
terminal A departure and/or arrival building for aircraft, passengers or freight at a station for any transport mode. Terminal false false
terminalPier A raised structure, including bridge and building supports and walkways, typically supported by widely spread piles or pillars. TerminalPier false false
terminalSatellite A section, open space, or building inside an airport terminal or at its periphery, providing access to the planes through gates. TerminalSatellite false false
  "aircraftParkingPosition" : {
    "aircraftParkingPositionIdentifier" : "string",
    "bagActivity" : { },
    "station" : { },
    "transportArrival" : [ { } ],
    "transportDep" : [ { } ]
  "aircraftScheduledArrivalDateTime" : "string",
  "arrivalStation" : {
    "affinityArrivalRequest" : [ { } ],
    "affinityDepRequest" : [ { } ],
    "aircraftParkingPosition" : [ { } ],
    "bagActivity" : { },
    "collectionPointTax" : { },
    "destStationDatedOperatingSegment" : [ { } ],
    "destStationOriginDest" : [ { } ],
    "iataLocationCode" : { },
    "originStationDatedOperatingSegment" : [ { } ],
    "originStationOriginDest" : [ { } ],
    "stationCriteria" : { },
    "stationName" : "string",
    "terminal" : [ { } ],
    "transportArrival" : [ { } ],
    "transportDep" : [ { } ]
  "boardingGate" : {
    "bagActivity" : { },
    "baggageClaimIdentifier" : "string",
    "terminal" : { },
    "transportArrival" : { }
  "checkInDesk" : {
    "bagActivity" : { },
    "boardingGateIdentifier" : "string",
    "terminal" : { },
    "transportArrival" : [ { } ],
    "transportDep" : [ { } ]
  "datedMarketingSegment" : {
    "carrier" : { },
    "datedMarketingSegmentIdentifier" : "string",
    "datedMarketingSegmentRbd" : [ { } ],
    "datedOperatingSegment" : { },
    "dateVariationNumber" : "number",
    "funnelFlightInd" : "boolean",
    "inventoryQualifiers" : [ { } ],
    "journeyData" : { },
    "marketingCarrierFlightNumberText" : "string",
    "marriageGroupSegment" : { },
    "operationalSuffixText" : "string",
    "originDest" : { },
    "paxSegment" : [ { } ],
    "secureFlightInd" : "boolean",
    "stopsNumber" : "number",
    "ticketlessInd" : "boolean",
    "transportArrival" : { }
  "datedOperatingLeg" : {
    "aircraft" : { },
    "cabinCompartment" : [ { } ],
    "carrierAircraftType" : { },
    "changeOfGaugeInd" : "boolean",
    "datedOperatingFlight" : { },
    "datedOperatingLegIdentifier" : "string",
    "datedOperatingSegment" : [ { } ],
    "distanceMeasure" : { },
    "iataAircraftType" : { },
    "inflightService" : [ { } ],
    "onGroundDurationTime" : "string",
    "onwardLeg" : [ { } ],
    "operatingCarrier" : { },
    "paxLeg" : [ { } ],
    "previousLeg" : [ { } ],
    "seatOnLeg" : [ { } ],
    "surfaceTransportVehicle" : { },
    "tailAssignment" : [ { } ],
    "transportArrival" : { },
    "transportDep" : { }
  "handlingBay" : {
    "bagActivity" : { },
    "handlingBayIdentifier" : "string",
    "terminal" : { },
    "transportArrival" : [ { } ],
    "transportDep" : [ { } ]
  "terminal" : {
    "bagActivity" : { },
    "baggageClaim" : [ { } ],
    "boardingGate" : [ { } ],
    "checkInDesk" : [ { } ],
    "handlingBay" : [ { } ],
    "iataTerminalCode" : { },
    "station" : { },
    "terminalName" : "string",
    "terminalPier" : [ { } ],
    "terminalSatellite" : [ { } ],
    "transportArrival" : [ { } ],
    "transportDep" : [ { } ]
  "terminalPier" : {
    "bagActivity" : { },
    "terminal" : { },
    "terminalPierIdentifier" : "string",
    "transportArrival" : [ { } ],
    "transportDep" : [ { } ]
  "terminalSatellite" : {
    "bagActivity" : { },
    "terminal" : { },
    "terminalSatelliteIdentifier" : "string",
    "transportArrival" : [ { } ],
    "transportDep" : [ { } ]