

An additional, supplementary information about the document or service.


Name Description Type Required Generic Enum Ignore
aircraft A transport vehicle which is certified as airworthy by a competent aeronautical authority. Aircraft false false
aircraftGroup A Group of aircraft operating together under the same ownership, belonging to the same aircraft type and having a set of configuration data in common. AircraftGroup false false
asymmetricalLoadLimitationTable A Set of related asymmetrical load limitations. AsymmetricalLoadLimitationTable false false
baggageStandardWeights an Approved baggage standard weights to be used for weight and balance calculation. BaggageStandardWeights false false
balanceOutputRequirement A Requirement to put specific balance information on specific types of load sheet (provisional, final, ACARS,...). BalanceOutputRequirement false false
cargoHeatingDevice An Heating capability of the cargo hold. CargoHeatingDevice false false
cargoVentilationDevice A Ventilation capability of the cargo hold. CargoVentilationDevice false false
centerOfGravityLimitTable A Set of related Center of Gravity (CG) limits. CenterOfGravityLimitTable false false
combinedLoadLimitation A Maximum load acceptable for a combination of loading locations. Locations can include bays, pallet positions, holds, compartments on different decks. CombinedLoadLimitation false false
combinedLoadLimitationTable A Set of related combined load limitations. CombinedLoadLimitationTable false false
creationDateTime Remark creation timestamp. string false false
crewBaggageStandardWeights An Approved crew baggage standard weights to be used for weight and balance calculation. CrewBaggageStandardWeights false false
crewDistribution An Allocation of crew (flight deck and cabin crew) and their baggage to associated locations. CrewDistribution false false
crewStandardWeights An approved crew standard weights to be used for weight and balance calculation. CrewStandardWeights false false
cumulativeLoadLimitationTable A Set of related cumulative load limitations. CumulativeLoadLimitationTable false false
curtailmentTable A Set of Curtailments. CurtailmentTable false false
datedOperatingFlight An operation of one or more Dated Legs in a specified sequence, with the same flight designator. Could use a flight number for other transport vehicles such as train or bus etc. DatedOperatingFlight true false
deck A structural floor level. For aircraft having one structural level only, this floor level shall be referred to as the main deck. For aircraft having more than one structural floor level, the different floor levels shall be referred to as 'lower deck', 'main deck' and 'upper deck', starting from bottom to top. Deck false false
displayInd When TRUE, this remark should be displayed. Notes: 1. This capability may not be supported by all NDC-enabled systems or may be supported by bilateral agreement only. The technical implementation of this capability is not dictated by this specification. boolean false false
dowConfiguration An Identification of operational items such as crew, pantry, potable water and/or service weight adjustments and their weight and/or index influence that are included in the Dry Operating Weight of an aircraft or aircraft group. DowConfiguration false false
dowItem An Item that can be considered as part of the Dry Operating Weight buildup of an aircraft or aircraft group as per company specifications e.g. Basic Weight, Flight Deck Crew, Cabin Crew, Flight Deck Crew Baggage, Cabin Crew Baggage, Pantry, Containers, Pallets, Potable Water, Library, ... Other items are included in the total traffic load weight. DowItem false false
dryOperatingAircraft An Aircraft configured according to a given Dry Operating Weight configuration. DryOperatingAircraft false false
fareRule A Special purchasing rules and restrictions used to differentiate fare levels from one another. FareRule false false
floorLoadLimitationTable A Set of related floor load limitations. FloorLoadLimitationTable false false
fuelDistribution A procedure that defines the consecutive steps for fueling an aircraft and the quantities to distribute to each of the corresponding tanks at each step in case a fuel split calculation is required to be performed by the departure control system. FuelDistribution false false
fuelingProcedure A procedure for filling the complete set of tanks (All Tanks) of an aircraft or an individual fuel tank, which might be composite when multiple tanks have been combined under one. FuelingProcedure false false
idealTrimLineTable A Set of related Ideal Trim Line Points forming an ideal trim line applying to a specific set of CG limits or to all CG limits. IdealTrimLineTable false false
lateralImbalanceLimitTable A Set of related Lateral Imbalance Limits. LateralImbalanceLimitTable false false
maximumWeights A Maximum certified weights (ZFW, LW, TOW, TW) applicable to an aircraft or a group of aircraft. MaximumWeights false false
maximumWeightsTable A Set of maximum certified weights. MaximumWeightsTable false false
minimumWeights A Minimum certified weights (ZFW, LW, TOW, TW) applicable to an aircraft or a group of aircraft. MinimumWeights false false
minimumWeightsTable A set of minimum certified weights. MinimumWeightsTable false false
missingRestraintRule A restriction on weight applicable when one or more locks are inoperable or missing. MissingRestraintRule false false
orderAmendment An Order amendment information and action type. OrderAmendment false false
otherPaymentMethod A non-standard form of payment which may be used in exchange for goods or services. OtherPaymentMethod false false
pantryDistribution An Allocation of galley equipment, food, service items etc. to specified locations or regardless of location. PantryDistribution false false
pax A person except members of the crew carried or to be carried with the consent of the carrier, on board of any transport vehicle such as aircraft, train, bus, ship. Holds the attributes specific to a one booking, from shopping to fulfillment. Pax false false
paxStandardWeights An approved passenger standard weights to be used for weight and balance calculation. PaxStandardWeights false false
paxTrimOutputRequirement A requirement to put specific passenger trim output on the load sheet. PaxTrimOutputRequirement false false
potableWaterDistribution A distribution of potable water to each individually specified potable water tank or to all tanks. Water can be specified as follows: - Weight per tank, with corresponding index. - Distribution: For a given total water weight, specify the quantity in each tank - Specific water weights, with corresponding index. - Adjustment (from full) e.g. full water included in basic weight. PotableWaterDistribution false false
priceVarianceRule A Price Variance rule supports specifying Payment Processing Rules, including payment failure. Acceptable amount and/or percentage of the total amount by which the Order item price can vary. Example: 20 USD, 2 Percent. PriceVarianceRule false false
promotion An Information item related to publicizing a product, organization, or venture so as to increase sales or public awareness. Promotion false false
responseParameters An information related to how response results should be returned. ResponseParameters false false
runningLoadLimitationTable A set of related running load limitations. RunningLoadLimitationTable false false
specialLoadLimitation A limitation of the quantity of a specified special load for a specific hold or position. SpecialLoadLimitation false false
stabTable A set of related stabilizer trim settings for given flap settings or thrust ratings. StabTable false false
supplementaryInfoRequirement A requirement to add specific data to the supplementary information (SI) area of each applicable load sheet (provisional, final, ACARS,...). SupplementaryInfoRequirement false false
swa A service weight adjustment. Standard adjustment to the service weight of an aircraft with optional balance arm and/or index. Swa false false
text Additional, supplementary information about the document or service. string false false
tippingLimitTable A set of related Tipping Limits. TippingLimitTable false false
uldCompatibility A permission to load a ULD (ULD type) on a specific hold location (bay or pallet position) with possible weight limitation. UldCompatibility false false
uldType A way of grouping of Unit Load Devices (ULD's) with the same dimension, weights and limitations. Is identified by ULD Type Code (eg AKE, PAG, etc.) and optional owner and/or serial number or range of serial numbers. UldType true false
  "aircraft" : {
    "aircraftGroup" : [ { } ],
    "datedOperatingLeg" : [ { } ],
    "dryOperatingAircraft" : [ { } ],
    "flightCriteria" : { },
    "iataAircraftType" : { },
    "maximumWeights" : [ { } ],
    "minimumWeights" : [ { } ],
    "msnIdentifier" : "string",
    "name" : "string",
    "otherIdentifier" : "string",
    "registrationGroupCode" : "string",
    "registrationIdentifier" : "string",
    "remark" : [ { } ],
    "tailAssignment" : [ { } ],
    "tailNumberText" : "string"
  "aircraftGroup" : {
    "aircraft" : [ { } ],
    "aircraftGroupConfiguration" : [ { } ],
    "aircraftName" : "string",
    "aircraftSubtypeName" : "string",
    "areaUnitCode" : { },
    "carrier" : { },
    "fuelDensityVolumeUnitCode" : { },
    "fuelDensityWeightUnitCode" : { },
    "iataAircraftType" : { },
    "indexConversionConstantValue" : "number",
    "indexOffsetConstantValue" : "number",
    "leadingEdgeMeasure" : { },
    "lengthUnitCode" : { },
    "liquidVolumeUnitCode" : { },
    "macMeasure" : { },
    "momentLengthUnitCode" : { },
    "momentWeightUnitCode" : { },
    "refArmMeasure" : { },
    "remark" : [ { } ],
    "volumeUnitCode" : { },
    "weightUnitCode" : { }
  "asymmetricalLoadLimitationTable" : {
    "aircraftGroupConfiguration" : { },
    "asymmetricalLoadLimitation" : [ { } ],
    "conditionText" : "string",
    "linearLoadInd" : "boolean",
    "rangeFromCode" : "string",
    "rangeToCode" : "string",
    "rangeTypeCode" : "string",
    "remark" : [ { } ],
    "tableName" : "string"
  "baggageStandardWeights" : {
    "bagsPerPaxQty" : "number",
    "bagVolumeMeasure" : { },
    "bagWeightPerPaxMeasure" : { },
    "cabinType" : { },
    "carrier" : { },
    "remark" : [ { } ],
    "variationCode" : { },
    "weightPerBagMeasure" : { },
    "weightPerPaxMeasure" : { }
  "balanceOutputRequirement" : {
    "aircraftGroupConfiguration" : { },
    "balanceOutputCode" : { },
    "finalAcarsInd" : "boolean",
    "finalInd" : "boolean",
    "preliminaryAcarsInd" : "boolean",
    "preliminaryInd" : "boolean",
    "remark" : [ { } ]
  "cargoHeatingDevice" : {
    "aircraftGroupConfiguration" : { },
    "cockpitMasterSwitchInd" : "boolean",
    "hold" : { },
    "holdCompartment" : { },
    "remark" : [ { } ],
    "selectionLocationName" : "string",
    "selectionName" : "string",
    "temperatureFromValue" : "number",
    "temperatureToValue" : "number",
    "uldLoadPosition" : { }
  "cargoVentilationDevice" : {
    "aircraftGroupConfiguration" : { },
    "airExchDuration" : "string",
    "airExchRateValue" : "number",
    "airExchVolumeMeasure" : { },
    "airflowRateBaseCode" : { },
    "hold" : { },
    "holdCompartment" : { },
    "remark" : [ { } ],
    "selectionLocationName" : "string",
    "selectionName" : "string",
    "uldLoadPosition" : { }
  "centerOfGravityLimitTable" : {
    "aircraftGroupConfiguration" : { },
    "centerOfGravityLimit" : [ { } ],
    "certifiedInd" : "boolean",
    "conditionText" : "string",
    "rangeFromValue" : "number",
    "rangeToValue" : "number",
    "rangeTypeCode" : "string",
    "remark" : [ { } ],
    "tableName" : "string"
  "combinedLoadLimitation" : {
    "combinedLoadLimitationTable" : { },
    "hold" : [ { } ],
    "holdCompartment" : [ { } ],
    "maximumWeightMeasure" : { },
    "remark" : [ { } ],
    "uldLoadPosition" : [ { } ]
  "combinedLoadLimitationTable" : {
    "aircraftGroupConfiguration" : { },
    "combinedLoadLimitation" : [ { } ],
    "conditionText" : "string",
    "rangeFromValue" : "number",
    "rangeToValue" : "number",
    "rangeTypeCode" : "string",
    "remark" : [ { } ],
    "tableName" : "string"
  "creationDateTime" : "string",
  "crewBaggageStandardWeights" : {
    "cabinCrewBaggageWeightMeasure" : { },
    "carrier" : { },
    "flightDeckCrewBaggageWeightMeasure" : { },
    "remark" : [ { } ],
    "variationCode" : { }
  "crewDistribution" : {
    "aircraftGroupConfiguration" : { },
    "cabinCrewDistributionElement" : [ { } ],
    "crewDistributionCode" : "string",
    "dowConfiguration" : [ { } ],
    "flightDeckCrewDistributionElement" : [ { } ],
    "remark" : [ { } ]
  "crewStandardWeights" : {
    "cabinCrewHandBaggageWeightMeasure" : { },
    "cabinCrewWeightMeasure" : { },
    "carrier" : { },
    "flightDeckCrewHandBaggageWeightMeasure" : { },
    "flightDeckCrewWeightMeasure" : { },
    "genderCode" : { },
    "handBaggageInd" : "boolean",
    "remark" : [ { } ],
    "variationCode" : { }
  "cumulativeLoadLimitationTable" : {
    "aircraftGroupConfiguration" : { },
    "conditionText" : "string",
    "cumulativeLoadLimitation" : [ { } ],
    "rangeFromValue" : "number",
    "rangeToValue" : "number",
    "rangeTypeCode" : "string",
    "remark" : [ { } ],
    "tableName" : "string"
  "curtailmentTable" : {
    "aircraftGroupConfiguration" : { },
    "conditionText" : "string",
    "curtailment" : [ { } ],
    "remark" : [ { } ],
    "tableName" : "string"
  "datedOperatingFlight" : {
    "administratingCarrier" : { },
    "administratingCarrierFlightNumberText" : "string",
    "datedOperatingLeg" : [ { } ],
    "datedOperatingSegment" : [ { } ],
    "flightIdentifierDate" : "string",
    "operationalSuffixText" : "string",
    "suplementaryInfo" : { }
  "deck" : {
    "aircraftGroupConfiguration" : { },
    "balanceArmAftMeasure" : { },
    "balanceArmForwardMeasure" : { },
    "cabinCompartment" : { },
    "cabinCrewLocation" : [ { } ],
    "cabinSection" : [ { } ],
    "deckCode" : { },
    "floorLoadLimitation" : [ { } ],
    "hold" : [ { } ],
    "lateralArmFromMeasure" : { },
    "lateralArmToMeasure" : { },
    "maximumWeightMeasure" : { },
    "remark" : [ { } ],
    "runningLoadLimitation" : [ { } ],
    "volumeMeasure" : { }
  "displayInd" : "boolean",
  "dowConfiguration" : {
    "aircraftGroupConfiguration" : { },
    "crewDistribution" : { },
    "dowConfigurationCode" : "string",
    "dryOperatingAircraft" : [ { } ],
    "pantryDistribution" : { },
    "potableWaterDistribution" : { },
    "remark" : [ { } ],
    "swa" : [ { } ]
  "dowItem" : {
    "aircraftGroupConfiguration" : { },
    "dowItemCode" : { },
    "remark" : [ { } ]
  "dryOperatingAircraft" : {
    "adjustmentInd" : "boolean",
    "aircraft" : { },
    "aircraftGroupConfiguration" : { },
    "balanceArmMeasure" : { },
    "dowConfiguration" : { },
    "indexValue" : "number",
    "macPercent" : "number",
    "remark" : [ { } ],
    "weightMeasure" : { }
  "fareRule" : {
    "fareComponent" : { },
    "instantPurchaseTypeCode" : "string",
    "penalty" : [ { } ],
    "remark" : [ { } ],
    "ruleCode" : "string",
    "ticketlessInd" : "boolean"
  "floorLoadLimitationTable" : {
    "aircraftGroupConfiguration" : { },
    "conditionText" : "string",
    "floorLoadLimitation" : [ { } ],
    "rangeFromValue" : "number",
    "rangeToValue" : "number",
    "rangeTypeCode" : "string",
    "remark" : [ { } ],
    "tableName" : "string"
  "fuelDistribution" : {
    "aircraftGroupConfiguration" : { },
    "conditionName" : "string",
    "fuelDensityMeasure" : { },
    "fuelDensityVolumeUnitCode" : { },
    "fuelDistributionName" : "string",
    "fuelDistributionStep" : [ { } ],
    "maximumVolumeMeasure" : { },
    "maximumWeightMeasure" : { },
    "minimumVolumeMeasure" : { },
    "minimumWeightMeasure" : { },
    "remark" : [ { } ]
  "fuelingProcedure" : {
    "aircraftGroupConfiguration" : { },
    "cumulativeInd" : "boolean",
    "fuelDensityMeasure" : { },
    "fuelDensityVolumeUnitCode" : { },
    "fuelDistributionStepElement" : [ { } ],
    "fuelEffect" : [ { } ],
    "fuelingProcedureName" : "string",
    "maximumFuelDensityMeasure" : { },
    "maximumVolumeMeasure" : { },
    "maximumWeightMeasure" : { },
    "minimumFuelDensityMeasure" : { },
    "remark" : [ { } ],
    "standardInd" : "boolean",
    "tankName" : "string",
    "taxiFuelBurnOrder" : [ { } ]
  "idealTrimLineTable" : {
    "aircraftGroupConfiguration" : { },
    "conditionText" : "string",
    "idealTrimPoint" : [ { } ],
    "rangeFromValue" : "number",
    "rangeToValue" : "number",
    "rangeTypeCode" : "string",
    "remark" : [ { } ],
    "tableName" : "string"
  "lateralImbalanceLimitTable" : {
    "aircraftGroupConfiguration" : { },
    "conditionText" : "string",
    "lateralImbalanceLimit" : [ { } ],
    "momentInd" : "boolean",
    "rangeFromValue" : "number",
    "rangeToValue" : "number",
    "rangeTypeCode" : "string",
    "remark" : [ { } ],
    "tableName" : "string"
  "maximumWeights" : {
    "aircraft" : { },
    "lawMeasure" : { },
    "maximumWeightsTable" : { },
    "remark" : [ { } ],
    "towMeasure" : { },
    "txwMeasure" : { },
    "variationCode" : { },
    "zfwMeasure" : { }
  "maximumWeightsTable" : {
    "aircraftGroupConfiguration" : { },
    "conditionText" : "string",
    "maximumWeights" : [ { } ],
    "rangeFromValue" : "number",
    "rangeToValue" : "number",
    "rangeTypeCode" : "string",
    "remark" : [ { } ],
    "tableName" : "string"
  "minimumWeights" : {
    "aircraft" : { },
    "lawMeasure" : { },
    "minimumWeightsTable" : { },
    "remark" : [ { } ],
    "towMeasure" : { },
    "txwMeasure" : { },
    "variationCode" : { },
    "zfwMeasure" : { }
  "minimumWeightsTable" : {
    "aircraftGroupConfiguration" : { },
    "conditionText" : "string",
    "minimumWeights" : [ { } ],
    "rangeFromValue" : "number",
    "rangeToValue" : "number",
    "rangeTypeCode" : "string",
    "remark" : [ { } ],
    "tableName" : "string"
  "missingRestraintRule" : {
    "adjacentInd" : "boolean",
    "bayGrouping" : { },
    "emptyUldOnlyInd" : "boolean",
    "lockTypeCode" : "string",
    "missingLockCondition" : [ { } ],
    "missingLockRestriction" : [ { } ],
    "missingQty" : "number",
    "remark" : [ { } ],
    "restrictedWeightMeasure" : { },
    "uldLoadPosition" : { },
    "verticalInd" : "boolean"
  "orderAmendment" : {
    "actionTypeCode" : { },
    "offerItem" : { },
    "remark" : { },
    "ticketDocInfo" : { }
  "otherPaymentMethod" : {
    "paymentMethod" : { },
    "remark" : [ { } ]
  "pantryDistribution" : {
    "aircraftGroupConfiguration" : { },
    "balanceArmMeasure" : { },
    "dowConfiguration" : [ { } ],
    "indexValue" : "number",
    "pantryDistributionCode" : "string",
    "pantryDistributionElement" : [ { } ],
    "remark" : [ { } ],
    "totalWeightMeasure" : { }
  "pax" : {
    "ageMeasure" : { },
    "ageOrdinal" : "integer",
    "alacarteofferitem" : [ { } ],
    "bag" : [ { } ],
    "birthdate" : "string",
    "booking" : { },
    "contactInfo" : [ { } ],
    "countryOfCitizenship" : { },
    "countryOfResidence" : { },
    "customerValueNumber" : "number",
    "existingOrderCriteria" : { },
    "fareDetail" : { },
    "foid" : { },
    "identityDoc" : [ { } ],
    "individual" : { },
    "infant" : { },
    "langUsage" : [ { } ],
    "loyaltyProgramAccount" : [ { } ],
    "offeredService" : [ { } ],
    "org" : { },
    "pax" : { },
    "paxGroup" : { },
    "paxIdentifier" : "string",
    "paxSegment" : [ { } ],
    "profileConsentInd" : "boolean",
    "profileIdentifierText" : "string",
    "promotion" : { },
    "ptcCode" : "string",
    "redressCase" : [ { } ],
    "remark" : [ { } ],
    "service" : [ { } ],
    "ticketDocInfo" : { }
  "paxStandardWeights" : {
    "adultWeightMeasure" : { },
    "cabinType" : { },
    "carrier" : { },
    "childWeightMeasure" : { },
    "femaleWeightMeasure" : { },
    "handBaggageInd" : "boolean",
    "handBaggageWeightMeasure" : { },
    "infantWeightMeasure" : { },
    "maleWeightMeasure" : { },
    "remark" : [ { } ],
    "undisclosedGenderWeightMeasure" : { },
    "unspecifiedGenderWeightMeasure" : { },
    "variationCode" : { }
  "paxTrimOutputRequirement" : {
    "aircraftGroupConfiguration" : { },
    "remark" : [ { } ],
    "trimTypeCode" : { }
  "potableWaterDistribution" : {
    "aircraftGroupConfiguration" : { },
    "balanceArmMeasure" : { },
    "dowConfiguration" : [ { } ],
    "indexValue" : "number",
    "potableWaterDistributionCode" : "string",
    "potableWaterDistributionElement" : [ { } ],
    "remark" : [ { } ],
    "totalWeightMeasure" : { }
  "priceVarianceRule" : {
    "acceptableVarianceAmount" : { },
    "acceptableVariancePercent" : "number",
    "effectivePeriodDuration" : "string",
    "ownerName" : "string",
    "paymentInfo" : { },
    "remark" : [ { } ],
    "ruleIdentifier" : "string",
    "ruleName" : "string"
  "promotion" : {
    "coupon" : { },
    "ownerName" : "string",
    "pax" : [ { } ],
    "paymentInfo" : { },
    "promotionIdentifier" : "string",
    "promotionIssuer" : { },
    "remark" : [ { } ],
    "shoppingCriteria" : { },
    "urlUri" : "string"
  "responseParameters" : {
    "bdc" : { },
    "curParameter" : [ { } ],
    "device" : { },
    "inventoryGuaranteeInd" : "boolean",
    "langUsage" : [ { } ],
    "marketingMessage" : [ { } ],
    "measurementSystemCode" : { },
    "paxGroup" : { },
    "pricingParameter" : { },
    "reasonCode" : "string",
    "securePayerAuthenticationInstructions" : { }
  "runningLoadLimitationTable" : {
    "aircraftGroupConfiguration" : { },
    "conditionText" : "string",
    "rangeFromValue" : "number",
    "rangeToValue" : "number",
    "rangeTypeCode" : "string",
    "remark" : [ { } ],
    "runningLoadLimitation" : [ { } ],
    "tableName" : "string"
  "specialLoadLimitation" : {
    "hold" : { },
    "maximumQty" : "number",
    "remark" : [ { } ],
    "specialLoadCode" : { },
    "uldLoadPosition" : { }
  "stabTable" : {
    "aircraftGroupConfiguration" : { },
    "flapsSettingValue" : "number",
    "macPercent" : "number",
    "maximumFlapsSettingValue" : "number",
    "maximumMacPercent" : "number",
    "maximumThrustRatingValue" : "number",
    "minimumFlapsSettingValue" : "number",
    "minimumMacPercent" : "number",
    "minimumThrustRatingValue" : "number",
    "remark" : [ { } ],
    "stab" : [ { } ],
    "stabText" : [ { } ],
    "tableName" : "string",
    "thrustRatingValue" : "number"
  "supplementaryInfoRequirement" : {
    "aircraftGroupConfiguration" : { },
    "finalAcarsInd" : "boolean",
    "finalInd" : "boolean",
    "preliminaryAcarsInd" : "boolean",
    "preliminaryInd" : "boolean",
    "remark" : [ { } ],
    "supplementaryInfoCode" : "string"
  "swa" : {
    "aircraftGroupConfiguration" : { },
    "balanceArmMeasure" : { },
    "descText" : "string",
    "dowConfiguration" : [ { } ],
    "indexValue" : "number",
    "remark" : [ { } ],
    "swaCode" : "string",
    "weightMeasure" : { }
  "text" : "string",
  "tippingLimitTable" : {
    "aircraftGroupConfiguration" : { },
    "conditionText" : "string",
    "rangeFromValue" : "number",
    "rangeToValue" : "number",
    "rangeTypeCode" : "string",
    "remark" : [ { } ],
    "tableName" : "string",
    "tippingLimit" : [ { } ]
  "uldCompatibility" : {
    "compatibleInd" : "boolean",
    "remark" : [ { } ],
    "restrictedWeightMeasure" : { },
    "uldLoadPosition" : { },
    "uldType" : { }
  "uldType" : {
    "beginSerialNumberCode" : "string",
    "carrier" : [ { } ],
    "defaultInd" : "boolean",
    "endSerialNumberCode" : "string",
    "maximumVolumeMeasure" : { },
    "maximumWeightMeasure" : { },
    "ownerCode" : { },
    "remark" : [ { } ],
    "tareWeightMeasure" : { },
    "uld" : { },
    "uldCompatibility" : [ { } ],
    "uldTypeCode" : "string"