

An Allocation of galley equipment, food, service items etc. to specified locations or regardless of location.


Name Description Type Required Generic Enum Ignore
aircraftGroupConfiguration A Specific Configuration of an Aircraft Group. AircraftGroupConfiguration true false
balanceArmMeasure The linear dimension from the aircraft datum to the mean balance arm at which the total weight of galley equipment, food, service items etc. is calculated. LengthMeasure false false
dowConfiguration An Identification of operational items such as crew, pantry, potable water and/or service weight adjustments and their weight and/or index influence that are included in the Dry Operating Weight of an aircraft or aircraft group. array false DowConfiguration --- false
indexValue The index influence of the total weight of galley equipment, food, service items etc. number false false
pantryDistributionCode Name/identifier of the pantry distribution, e.g. 'Domestic', 'Charter', 'Z'. string false false
pantryDistributionElement A specific allocation in a pantry distribution. array false PantryDistributionElement --- false
remark An additional, supplementary information about the document or service. array false Remark --- false
totalWeightMeasure Total weight of galley equipment, food, service items etc regardless of location. WeightMeasure false false
  "aircraftGroupConfiguration" : {
    "aircraftGroup" : { },
    "asymmetricalLoadLimitationTable" : [ { } ],
    "balanceOutputRequirement" : [ { } ],
    "cabinComponent" : [ { } ],
    "cabinLayout" : { },
    "cargoHeatingDevice" : [ { } ],
    "cargoVentilationDevice" : [ { } ],
    "centerOfGravityLimitTable" : [ { } ],
    "combinedLoadLimitationTable" : [ { } ],
    "crewDistribution" : [ { } ],
    "cumulativeLoadLimitationTable" : [ { } ],
    "curtailmentTable" : [ { } ],
    "deck" : [ { } ],
    "defaultInd" : "boolean",
    "dowConfiguration" : [ { } ],
    "dowItem" : [ { } ],
    "dryOperatingAircraft" : [ { } ],
    "fleetBalanceArmMeasure" : { },
    "fleetIndexValue" : "number",
    "fleetMacPercent" : "number",
    "fleetWeightMeasure" : { },
    "flightDeckCrewLocation" : [ { } ],
    "floorLoadLimitationTable" : [ { } ],
    "fuelDistribution" : [ { } ],
    "fuelingProcedure" : [ { } ],
    "fuelTank" : [ { } ],
    "holdLayout" : { },
    "idealTrimLineTable" : [ { } ],
    "lateralImbalanceLimitTable" : [ { } ],
    "maximumWeightsTable" : [ { } ],
    "minimumWeightsTable" : [ { } ],
    "pantryDistribution" : [ { } ],
    "paxTrimOutputRequirement" : [ { } ],
    "potableWaterDistribution" : [ { } ],
    "potableWaterTank" : [ { } ],
    "runningLoadLimitationTable" : [ { } ],
    "saleableConfiguration" : [ { } ],
    "stabTable" : [ { } ],
    "startWeightTypeCode" : { },
    "supplementaryInfoRequirement" : [ { } ],
    "swa" : [ { } ],
    "taxiFuelProcedure" : [ { } ],
    "tippingLimitTable" : [ { } ]
  "balanceArmMeasure" : {
    "unitCode" : "string",
    "value" : "number"
  "dowConfiguration" : [ {
    "aircraftGroupConfiguration" : { },
    "crewDistribution" : { },
    "dowConfigurationCode" : "string",
    "dryOperatingAircraft" : [ { } ],
    "pantryDistribution" : { },
    "potableWaterDistribution" : { },
    "remark" : [ { } ],
    "swa" : [ { } ]
  } ],
  "indexValue" : "number",
  "pantryDistributionCode" : "string",
  "pantryDistributionElement" : [ {
    "galleyLocation" : { },
    "indexValue" : "number",
    "pantryDistribution" : { },
    "weightPerLocationMeasure" : { }
  } ],
  "remark" : [ {
    "aircraft" : { },
    "aircraftGroup" : { },
    "asymmetricalLoadLimitationTable" : { },
    "baggageStandardWeights" : { },
    "balanceOutputRequirement" : { },
    "cargoHeatingDevice" : { },
    "cargoVentilationDevice" : { },
    "centerOfGravityLimitTable" : { },
    "combinedLoadLimitation" : { },
    "combinedLoadLimitationTable" : { },
    "creationDateTime" : "string",
    "crewBaggageStandardWeights" : { },
    "crewDistribution" : { },
    "crewStandardWeights" : { },
    "cumulativeLoadLimitationTable" : { },
    "curtailmentTable" : { },
    "datedOperatingFlight" : { },
    "deck" : { },
    "displayInd" : "boolean",
    "dowConfiguration" : { },
    "dowItem" : { },
    "dryOperatingAircraft" : { },
    "fareRule" : { },
    "floorLoadLimitationTable" : { },
    "fuelDistribution" : { },
    "fuelingProcedure" : { },
    "idealTrimLineTable" : { },
    "lateralImbalanceLimitTable" : { },
    "maximumWeights" : { },
    "maximumWeightsTable" : { },
    "minimumWeights" : { },
    "minimumWeightsTable" : { },
    "missingRestraintRule" : { },
    "orderAmendment" : { },
    "otherPaymentMethod" : { },
    "pantryDistribution" : { },
    "pax" : { },
    "paxStandardWeights" : { },
    "paxTrimOutputRequirement" : { },
    "potableWaterDistribution" : { },
    "priceVarianceRule" : { },
    "promotion" : { },
    "responseParameters" : { },
    "runningLoadLimitationTable" : { },
    "specialLoadLimitation" : { },
    "stabTable" : { },
    "supplementaryInfoRequirement" : { },
    "swa" : { },
    "text" : "string",
    "tippingLimitTable" : { },
    "uldCompatibility" : { },
    "uldType" : { }
  } ],
  "totalWeightMeasure" : {
    "unitCode" : "string",
    "value" : "number"