

A set of related running load limitations.


Name Description Type Required Generic Enum Ignore
aircraftGroupConfiguration A Specific Configuration of an Aircraft Group. AircraftGroupConfiguration true false
conditionText Criteria for which the table of load limitations must be applied, e.g. Tail Tank in use, Aft ZFCG. string false false
rangeFromValue The starting value of a range for which the specific table applies. number false false
rangeToValue The end value of a range for which the specific table applies. number false false
rangeTypeCode Type or nature of the defined From/To values that limit the applicability of the load limitation table. This may indicate a specific unit or weight unit type such as 'Zero fuel weight' or 'Take off weight', but may also be used to identify the range e.g. 'Fuel Volume', 'Zero Fuel MAC'. string false false
remark An additional, supplementary information about the document or service. array false Remark --- false
runningLoadLimitation A maximum load acceptable on any given fuselage length of the aircraft floor. Can apply to a specific deck or to all decks at a given location. array true RunningLoadLimitation --- false
tableName Specific name for the table of structural load limitations. string false false
  "aircraftGroupConfiguration" : {
    "aircraftGroup" : { },
    "asymmetricalLoadLimitationTable" : [ { } ],
    "balanceOutputRequirement" : [ { } ],
    "cabinComponent" : [ { } ],
    "cabinLayout" : { },
    "cargoHeatingDevice" : [ { } ],
    "cargoVentilationDevice" : [ { } ],
    "centerOfGravityLimitTable" : [ { } ],
    "combinedLoadLimitationTable" : [ { } ],
    "crewDistribution" : [ { } ],
    "cumulativeLoadLimitationTable" : [ { } ],
    "curtailmentTable" : [ { } ],
    "deck" : [ { } ],
    "defaultInd" : "boolean",
    "dowConfiguration" : [ { } ],
    "dowItem" : [ { } ],
    "dryOperatingAircraft" : [ { } ],
    "fleetBalanceArmMeasure" : { },
    "fleetIndexValue" : "number",
    "fleetMacPercent" : "number",
    "fleetWeightMeasure" : { },
    "flightDeckCrewLocation" : [ { } ],
    "floorLoadLimitationTable" : [ { } ],
    "fuelDistribution" : [ { } ],
    "fuelingProcedure" : [ { } ],
    "fuelTank" : [ { } ],
    "holdLayout" : { },
    "idealTrimLineTable" : [ { } ],
    "lateralImbalanceLimitTable" : [ { } ],
    "maximumWeightsTable" : [ { } ],
    "minimumWeightsTable" : [ { } ],
    "pantryDistribution" : [ { } ],
    "paxTrimOutputRequirement" : [ { } ],
    "potableWaterDistribution" : [ { } ],
    "potableWaterTank" : [ { } ],
    "runningLoadLimitationTable" : [ { } ],
    "saleableConfiguration" : [ { } ],
    "stabTable" : [ { } ],
    "startWeightTypeCode" : { },
    "supplementaryInfoRequirement" : [ { } ],
    "swa" : [ { } ],
    "taxiFuelProcedure" : [ { } ],
    "tippingLimitTable" : [ { } ]
  "conditionText" : "string",
  "rangeFromValue" : "number",
  "rangeToValue" : "number",
  "rangeTypeCode" : "string",
  "remark" : [ {
    "aircraft" : { },
    "aircraftGroup" : { },
    "asymmetricalLoadLimitationTable" : { },
    "baggageStandardWeights" : { },
    "balanceOutputRequirement" : { },
    "cargoHeatingDevice" : { },
    "cargoVentilationDevice" : { },
    "centerOfGravityLimitTable" : { },
    "combinedLoadLimitation" : { },
    "combinedLoadLimitationTable" : { },
    "creationDateTime" : "string",
    "crewBaggageStandardWeights" : { },
    "crewDistribution" : { },
    "crewStandardWeights" : { },
    "cumulativeLoadLimitationTable" : { },
    "curtailmentTable" : { },
    "datedOperatingFlight" : { },
    "deck" : { },
    "displayInd" : "boolean",
    "dowConfiguration" : { },
    "dowItem" : { },
    "dryOperatingAircraft" : { },
    "fareRule" : { },
    "floorLoadLimitationTable" : { },
    "fuelDistribution" : { },
    "fuelingProcedure" : { },
    "idealTrimLineTable" : { },
    "lateralImbalanceLimitTable" : { },
    "maximumWeights" : { },
    "maximumWeightsTable" : { },
    "minimumWeights" : { },
    "minimumWeightsTable" : { },
    "missingRestraintRule" : { },
    "orderAmendment" : { },
    "otherPaymentMethod" : { },
    "pantryDistribution" : { },
    "pax" : { },
    "paxStandardWeights" : { },
    "paxTrimOutputRequirement" : { },
    "potableWaterDistribution" : { },
    "priceVarianceRule" : { },
    "promotion" : { },
    "responseParameters" : { },
    "runningLoadLimitationTable" : { },
    "specialLoadLimitation" : { },
    "stabTable" : { },
    "supplementaryInfoRequirement" : { },
    "swa" : { },
    "text" : "string",
    "tippingLimitTable" : { },
    "uldCompatibility" : { },
    "uldType" : { }
  } ],
  "runningLoadLimitation" : [ {
    "balanceArmFromMeasure" : { },
    "balanceArmToMeasure" : { },
    "deck" : { },
    "lengthUnitCode" : { },
    "limitWeightPerDistanceMeasure" : { },
    "runningLoadLimitationTable" : { }
  } ],
  "tableName" : "string"