

A set of related stabilizer trim settings for given flap settings or thrust ratings.


Name Description Type Required Generic Enum Ignore
aircraftGroupConfiguration A Specific Configuration of an Aircraft Group. AircraftGroupConfiguration true false
flapsSettingValue The Flaps Setting to which the specific stabilizer trim table applies. number false false
macPercent The maximum %MAC value to which the specific stabilizer trim table applies. number false false
maximumFlapsSettingValue The maximum value of the Flaps Setting range to which the specific stabilizer trim table applies. number false false
maximumMacPercent The maximum value of the %MAC range to which the specific stabilizer trim table applies. number false false
maximumThrustRatingValue The maximum value of the Thrust Rating range to which the specific stabilizer trim table applies. number false false
minimumFlapsSettingValue The minimum value of the Flaps Setting range to which the specific stabilizer trim table applies. number false false
minimumMacPercent The minimum value of the %MAC range to which the specific stabilizer trim table applies. number false false
minimumThrustRatingValue The minimum value of the Thrust Rating range to which the specific stabilizer trim table applies. number false false
remark An additional, supplementary information about the document or service. array false Remark --- false
stab A stabilizer Trim Setting. The required position of the horizontal stabilizer depending on the aircrafts weight and center of gravity (%MAC/RC). array true Stab --- false
stabText A text to be appended to the stabilizer trim value printed on the load sheet depending on the stabilizer trim range it belongs to. array false StabText --- false
tableName Specific name for the table of stabilizer trim settings. string false false
thrustRatingValue The Thrust Rating to which the specific stabilizer trim table applies. number false false
  "aircraftGroupConfiguration" : {
    "aircraftGroup" : { },
    "asymmetricalLoadLimitationTable" : [ { } ],
    "balanceOutputRequirement" : [ { } ],
    "cabinComponent" : [ { } ],
    "cabinLayout" : { },
    "cargoHeatingDevice" : [ { } ],
    "cargoVentilationDevice" : [ { } ],
    "centerOfGravityLimitTable" : [ { } ],
    "combinedLoadLimitationTable" : [ { } ],
    "crewDistribution" : [ { } ],
    "cumulativeLoadLimitationTable" : [ { } ],
    "curtailmentTable" : [ { } ],
    "deck" : [ { } ],
    "defaultInd" : "boolean",
    "dowConfiguration" : [ { } ],
    "dowItem" : [ { } ],
    "dryOperatingAircraft" : [ { } ],
    "fleetBalanceArmMeasure" : { },
    "fleetIndexValue" : "number",
    "fleetMacPercent" : "number",
    "fleetWeightMeasure" : { },
    "flightDeckCrewLocation" : [ { } ],
    "floorLoadLimitationTable" : [ { } ],
    "fuelDistribution" : [ { } ],
    "fuelingProcedure" : [ { } ],
    "fuelTank" : [ { } ],
    "holdLayout" : { },
    "idealTrimLineTable" : [ { } ],
    "lateralImbalanceLimitTable" : [ { } ],
    "maximumWeightsTable" : [ { } ],
    "minimumWeightsTable" : [ { } ],
    "pantryDistribution" : [ { } ],
    "paxTrimOutputRequirement" : [ { } ],
    "potableWaterDistribution" : [ { } ],
    "potableWaterTank" : [ { } ],
    "runningLoadLimitationTable" : [ { } ],
    "saleableConfiguration" : [ { } ],
    "stabTable" : [ { } ],
    "startWeightTypeCode" : { },
    "supplementaryInfoRequirement" : [ { } ],
    "swa" : [ { } ],
    "taxiFuelProcedure" : [ { } ],
    "tippingLimitTable" : [ { } ]
  "flapsSettingValue" : "number",
  "macPercent" : "number",
  "maximumFlapsSettingValue" : "number",
  "maximumMacPercent" : "number",
  "maximumThrustRatingValue" : "number",
  "minimumFlapsSettingValue" : "number",
  "minimumMacPercent" : "number",
  "minimumThrustRatingValue" : "number",
  "remark" : [ {
    "aircraft" : { },
    "aircraftGroup" : { },
    "asymmetricalLoadLimitationTable" : { },
    "baggageStandardWeights" : { },
    "balanceOutputRequirement" : { },
    "cargoHeatingDevice" : { },
    "cargoVentilationDevice" : { },
    "centerOfGravityLimitTable" : { },
    "combinedLoadLimitation" : { },
    "combinedLoadLimitationTable" : { },
    "creationDateTime" : "string",
    "crewBaggageStandardWeights" : { },
    "crewDistribution" : { },
    "crewStandardWeights" : { },
    "cumulativeLoadLimitationTable" : { },
    "curtailmentTable" : { },
    "datedOperatingFlight" : { },
    "deck" : { },
    "displayInd" : "boolean",
    "dowConfiguration" : { },
    "dowItem" : { },
    "dryOperatingAircraft" : { },
    "fareRule" : { },
    "floorLoadLimitationTable" : { },
    "fuelDistribution" : { },
    "fuelingProcedure" : { },
    "idealTrimLineTable" : { },
    "lateralImbalanceLimitTable" : { },
    "maximumWeights" : { },
    "maximumWeightsTable" : { },
    "minimumWeights" : { },
    "minimumWeightsTable" : { },
    "missingRestraintRule" : { },
    "orderAmendment" : { },
    "otherPaymentMethod" : { },
    "pantryDistribution" : { },
    "pax" : { },
    "paxStandardWeights" : { },
    "paxTrimOutputRequirement" : { },
    "potableWaterDistribution" : { },
    "priceVarianceRule" : { },
    "promotion" : { },
    "responseParameters" : { },
    "runningLoadLimitationTable" : { },
    "specialLoadLimitation" : { },
    "stabTable" : { },
    "supplementaryInfoRequirement" : { },
    "swa" : { },
    "text" : "string",
    "tippingLimitTable" : { },
    "uldCompatibility" : { },
    "uldType" : { }
  } ],
  "stab" : [ {
    "changePerPctmacValue" : "number",
    "macPercent" : "number",
    "stabTable" : { },
    "towMeasure" : { },
    "value" : { }
  } ],
  "stabText" : [ {
    "noseIndicationText" : "string",
    "stabFromValue" : "number",
    "stabTable" : { },
    "stabToValue" : "number"
  } ],
  "tableName" : "string",
  "thrustRatingValue" : "number"