An Aircraft configured according to a given Dry Operating Weight configuration.
Name |
Description |
Type |
Required |
Generic |
Enum |
Ignore |
adjustmentInd |
Indicates that weight and center of gravity data are expressed as adjustments to be applied to the corresponding fleet data or as individual aircraft data. |
boolean |
false |
false |
aircraft |
A transport vehicle which is certified as airworthy by a competent aeronautical authority. |
Aircraft |
true |
false |
aircraftGroupConfiguration |
A Specific Configuration of an Aircraft Group. |
AircraftGroupConfiguration |
true |
false |
balanceArmMeasure |
The balance arm of the center of gravity of the specific aircraft. |
LengthMeasure |
false |
false |
dowConfiguration |
An Identification of operational items such as crew, pantry, potable water and/or service weight adjustments and their weight and/or index influence that are included in the Dry Operating Weight of an aircraft or aircraft group. |
DowConfiguration |
false |
false |
indexValue |
Basic index or Dry Operating Index of the specific aircraft. |
number |
false |
false |
macPercent |
%MAC /RC of the specific aircraft. |
number |
false |
false |
remark |
An additional, supplementary information about the document or service. |
array |
false |
Remark |
--- |
false |
weightMeasure |
Basic Weight or Dry Operating Weight of the specific aircraft. |
WeightMeasure |
false |
false |
"adjustmentInd" : "boolean",
"aircraft" : {
"aircraftGroup" : [ { } ],
"datedOperatingLeg" : [ { } ],
"dryOperatingAircraft" : [ { } ],
"flightCriteria" : { },
"iataAircraftType" : { },
"maximumWeights" : [ { } ],
"minimumWeights" : [ { } ],
"msnIdentifier" : "string",
"name" : "string",
"otherIdentifier" : "string",
"registrationGroupCode" : "string",
"registrationIdentifier" : "string",
"remark" : [ { } ],
"tailAssignment" : [ { } ],
"tailNumberText" : "string"
"aircraftGroupConfiguration" : {
"aircraftGroup" : { },
"asymmetricalLoadLimitationTable" : [ { } ],
"balanceOutputRequirement" : [ { } ],
"cabinComponent" : [ { } ],
"cabinLayout" : { },
"cargoHeatingDevice" : [ { } ],
"cargoVentilationDevice" : [ { } ],
"centerOfGravityLimitTable" : [ { } ],
"combinedLoadLimitationTable" : [ { } ],
"crewDistribution" : [ { } ],
"cumulativeLoadLimitationTable" : [ { } ],
"curtailmentTable" : [ { } ],
"deck" : [ { } ],
"defaultInd" : "boolean",
"dowConfiguration" : [ { } ],
"dowItem" : [ { } ],
"dryOperatingAircraft" : [ { } ],
"fleetBalanceArmMeasure" : { },
"fleetIndexValue" : "number",
"fleetMacPercent" : "number",
"fleetWeightMeasure" : { },
"flightDeckCrewLocation" : [ { } ],
"floorLoadLimitationTable" : [ { } ],
"fuelDistribution" : [ { } ],
"fuelingProcedure" : [ { } ],
"fuelTank" : [ { } ],
"holdLayout" : { },
"idealTrimLineTable" : [ { } ],
"lateralImbalanceLimitTable" : [ { } ],
"maximumWeightsTable" : [ { } ],
"minimumWeightsTable" : [ { } ],
"pantryDistribution" : [ { } ],
"paxTrimOutputRequirement" : [ { } ],
"potableWaterDistribution" : [ { } ],
"potableWaterTank" : [ { } ],
"runningLoadLimitationTable" : [ { } ],
"saleableConfiguration" : [ { } ],
"stabTable" : [ { } ],
"startWeightTypeCode" : { },
"supplementaryInfoRequirement" : [ { } ],
"swa" : [ { } ],
"taxiFuelProcedure" : [ { } ],
"tippingLimitTable" : [ { } ]
"balanceArmMeasure" : {
"unitCode" : "string",
"value" : "number"
"dowConfiguration" : {
"aircraftGroupConfiguration" : { },
"crewDistribution" : { },
"dowConfigurationCode" : "string",
"dryOperatingAircraft" : [ { } ],
"pantryDistribution" : { },
"potableWaterDistribution" : { },
"remark" : [ { } ],
"swa" : [ { } ]
"indexValue" : "number",
"macPercent" : "number",
"remark" : [ {
"aircraft" : { },
"aircraftGroup" : { },
"asymmetricalLoadLimitationTable" : { },
"baggageStandardWeights" : { },
"balanceOutputRequirement" : { },
"cargoHeatingDevice" : { },
"cargoVentilationDevice" : { },
"centerOfGravityLimitTable" : { },
"combinedLoadLimitation" : { },
"combinedLoadLimitationTable" : { },
"creationDateTime" : "string",
"crewBaggageStandardWeights" : { },
"crewDistribution" : { },
"crewStandardWeights" : { },
"cumulativeLoadLimitationTable" : { },
"curtailmentTable" : { },
"datedOperatingFlight" : { },
"deck" : { },
"displayInd" : "boolean",
"dowConfiguration" : { },
"dowItem" : { },
"dryOperatingAircraft" : { },
"fareRule" : { },
"floorLoadLimitationTable" : { },
"fuelDistribution" : { },
"fuelingProcedure" : { },
"idealTrimLineTable" : { },
"lateralImbalanceLimitTable" : { },
"maximumWeights" : { },
"maximumWeightsTable" : { },
"minimumWeights" : { },
"minimumWeightsTable" : { },
"missingRestraintRule" : { },
"orderAmendment" : { },
"otherPaymentMethod" : { },
"pantryDistribution" : { },
"pax" : { },
"paxStandardWeights" : { },
"paxTrimOutputRequirement" : { },
"potableWaterDistribution" : { },
"priceVarianceRule" : { },
"promotion" : { },
"responseParameters" : { },
"runningLoadLimitationTable" : { },
"specialLoadLimitation" : { },
"stabTable" : { },
"supplementaryInfoRequirement" : { },
"swa" : { },
"text" : "string",
"tippingLimitTable" : { },
"uldCompatibility" : { },
"uldType" : { }
} ],
"weightMeasure" : {
"unitCode" : "string",
"value" : "number"