An Information corresponding to a group of 1 to 4 Tickets for a single Origin Destination and a single Passenger.
Name |
Description |
Type |
Required |
Generic |
Enum |
Ignore |
bookingAgency |
A private retailer or public service that provides travel and tourism related services to the public on behalf of suppliers such as activities, airlines, car rentals, cruise lines, hotels, railways, travel insurance, and package tours. |
TravelAgency |
false |
false |
bookingRef |
A location in a database where to find a booking. |
array |
true |
BookingRef |
--- |
false |
bookletQty |
Number of booklets issued for a given ticket/ document set. |
number |
false |
false |
carrierFee |
A Carrier imposed fee detail, typically related to booking, ticketing, or servicing. |
CarrierFee |
false |
false |
commission |
A remuneration either an amount of money, or a set percentage of the value involved, paid to an agent in relations to a commercial transaction. |
Commission |
false |
false |
endorsementText |
Endorsement and restriction information applied for this set of ticket / document information. |
string |
false |
false |
fareDetail |
An amount charged by the carrier for the carriage of a passenger and his allowable free baggage. |
FareDetail |
false |
false |
orderAmendment |
An Order amendment information and action type. |
OrderAmendment |
true |
false |
originalIssueInfo |
An issuing carrier and issuing location of a ticket. |
TicketIssuanceInfo |
false |
false |
originDest |
An Origin and Destination airport/city pair which confines a passenger journey or an aircraft flight. |
OriginDest |
false |
false |
pax |
A person except members of the crew carried or to be carried with the consent of the carrier, on board of any transport vehicle such as aircraft, train, bus, ship. Holds the attributes specific to a one booking, from shopping to fulfillment. |
Pax |
true |
false |
paymentInfo |
An information related to the settlement of a transaction through monetary or other compensations. For example, a payment may be applied to an entire Order or individual Order Items. |
array |
true |
PaymentInfo |
--- |
false |
penalty |
A fee or penalty for failure to meet agreed conditions. Information related to a punishment imposed for breaking a law, rule, or contract. |
array |
false |
Penalty |
--- |
false |
pricingCountryCode |
The country code used to identify the country in which the booked itinerary was priced. |
CountryCode |
false |
false |
pricingDate |
Booked Itinerary Pricing Date. Example: 2017-01-13 Note: This is the date the booked itinerary was priced. |
string |
false |
false |
pricingLocationCode |
IATA defined code identifying a city or station. |
IataLocationCode |
false |
false |
pricingTime |
Booked Itinerary Pricing Time. Example: 09:15 |
string |
false |
false |
referencedOrder |
A uniquely identified record of the agreement of one party with another to receive products and services under specified terms and conditions. Order supports the sale of a flexible range of airline products and services that are not necessarily Journey based (e.g. subscription services). |
Order |
false |
false |
servicingAgency |
A private retailer or public service that provides travel and tourism related services to the public on behalf of suppliers such as activities, airlines, car rentals, cruise lines, hotels, railways, travel insurance, and package tours. |
TravelAgency |
false |
false |
ticket |
An accountable document issued by or on behalf of a carrier which includes notices and the flight and passenger coupons. |
array |
true |
Ticket |
--- |
false |
ticketRefIdentification |
An additional, identifying information used to identify a ticket. |
array |
false |
TicketRefIdentification |
--- |
false |
"bookingAgency" : {
"agencyIdentifier" : "string",
"bookingAgencyTicketDocInfo" : [ { } ],
"clearance" : { },
"clearanceParty" : { },
"contactInfo" : [ { } ],
"iataNumber" : "number",
"name" : "string",
"promotionIssuer" : { },
"pseudoCityIdentifier" : "string",
"servicingAgencyTicketDocInfo" : [ { } ],
"ticketIssuanceInfo" : { },
"travelAgencyAccreditation" : [ { } ],
"travelAgent" : [ { } ],
"typeCode" : { }
"bookingRef" : [ {
"bookingCreationDateTime" : "string",
"bookingEntity" : { },
"bookingIdentifier" : "string",
"order" : { },
"org" : { },
"paxGroup" : { },
"service" : { },
"ticketDocInfo" : { },
"typeCode" : "string"
} ],
"bookletQty" : "number",
"carrierFee" : {
"amount" : { },
"appCode" : "string",
"carrier" : { },
"fareComponent" : [ { } ],
"originDest" : { },
"paymentMethod" : { },
"rbdCode" : { },
"reportingCodeText" : "string",
"taxSummary" : { },
"ticketDocInfo" : { },
"typeCode" : "string"
"commission" : {
"alacarteofferitem" : { },
"amount" : { },
"code" : "string",
"commissionCode" : "string",
"interlineSettlementInfo" : { },
"offer" : { },
"offerItem" : { },
"order" : { },
"orderItem" : { },
"percentageAppliedToAmount" : { },
"percentagePercent" : "number",
"priceQuote" : { },
"remarkText" : "string",
"taxableInd" : "boolean",
"ticketDocInfo" : { }
"endorsementText" : "string",
"fareDetail" : {
"accountCode" : "string",
"fareCalculationInfo" : { },
"fareComponent" : [ { } ],
"fareIndCode" : "string",
"farePriceType" : [ { } ],
"fareRefText" : "string",
"fareWaiver" : [ { } ],
"filedFareInd" : "boolean",
"interlineSettlementInfo" : { },
"netReportingCodeText" : "string",
"orderItem" : { },
"pax" : [ { } ],
"penalty" : { },
"price" : { },
"pricingSystemCodeText" : "string",
"statisticalCodeText" : "string",
"ticketDocInfo" : { },
"tourCode" : "string"
"orderAmendment" : {
"actionTypeCode" : { },
"offerItem" : { },
"remark" : { },
"ticketDocInfo" : { }
"originalIssueInfo" : {
"iataLocationCode" : { },
"issueDate" : "string",
"issueTime" : "string",
"issuingCarrier" : { },
"ticket" : { },
"ticketDocInfo" : { },
"travelAgency" : { }
"originDest" : {
"calendarDateCriteria" : { },
"carrierFee" : { },
"datedMarketingSegment" : [ { } ],
"destArrivalCriteria" : { },
"destStation" : { },
"journeyDurationCriteria" : { },
"originDepRequest" : { },
"originDestIdentifier" : "string",
"originStation" : { },
"paxJourney" : [ { } ],
"rbd" : [ { } ],
"ticketDocInfo" : { }
"pax" : {
"ageMeasure" : { },
"ageOrdinal" : "integer",
"alacarteofferitem" : [ { } ],
"bag" : [ { } ],
"birthdate" : "string",
"booking" : { },
"contactInfo" : [ { } ],
"countryOfCitizenship" : { },
"countryOfResidence" : { },
"customerValueNumber" : "number",
"existingOrderCriteria" : { },
"fareDetail" : { },
"foid" : { },
"identityDoc" : [ { } ],
"individual" : { },
"infant" : { },
"langUsage" : [ { } ],
"loyaltyProgramAccount" : [ { } ],
"offeredService" : [ { } ],
"org" : { },
"pax" : { },
"paxGroup" : { },
"paxIdentifier" : "string",
"paxSegment" : [ { } ],
"profileConsentInd" : "boolean",
"profileIdentifierText" : "string",
"promotion" : { },
"ptcCode" : "string",
"redressCase" : [ { } ],
"remark" : [ { } ],
"service" : [ { } ],
"ticketDocInfo" : { }
"paymentInfo" : [ {
"amount" : { },
"merchantAccount" : { },
"order" : { },
"orderItem" : { },
"payer" : { },
"payerContact" : { },
"paymentInfoIdentifier" : "string",
"paymentMethod" : { },
"paymentRefIdentifier" : "string",
"paymentStatusCode" : { },
"paymentTrx" : { },
"priceVarianceAmount" : { },
"priceVarianceRule" : { },
"promotion" : [ { } ],
"surchargeAmount" : { },
"ticketDocInfo" : { },
"typeCode" : { },
"verificationInd" : "boolean"
} ],
"penalty" : [ {
"amount" : { },
"appCode" : { },
"cancelFeeInd" : "boolean",
"changeFeeInd" : "boolean",
"descText" : "string",
"fareDetail" : [ { } ],
"fareRule" : { },
"netInd" : "boolean",
"offer" : { },
"orderItem" : { },
"penaltyIdentifier" : "string",
"percent" : "number",
"ticketDocInfo" : { },
"typeCode" : { },
"upgradeFeeInd" : "boolean"
} ],
"pricingCountryCode" : {
"countryCodeEnum" : { }
"pricingDate" : "string",
"pricingLocationCode" : {
"iataLocationCodeEnum" : { }
"pricingTime" : "string",
"referencedOrder" : {
"bilateralTimeLimit" : [ { } ],
"bookingRef" : [ { } ],
"carrier" : { },
"commission" : [ { } ],
"creationDateTime" : "string",
"depositTimeLimitDateTime" : "string",
"existingOrderCriteria" : { },
"inventoryGuarantee" : { },
"lastModifiedDateTime" : "string",
"namingTimeLimitDateTime" : "string",
"offer" : [ { } ],
"order" : [ { } ],
"orderIdentifier" : "string",
"orderItem" : [ { } ],
"ownerTypeCode" : { },
"paxGroup" : { },
"paymentInfo" : [ { } ],
"paymentTimeLimitDateTime" : "string",
"statusCode" : { },
"ticketDocInfo" : { },
"totalPrice" : { },
"versionNumber" : "integer",
"webAddressUri" : "string"
"servicingAgency" : {
"agencyIdentifier" : "string",
"bookingAgencyTicketDocInfo" : [ { } ],
"clearance" : { },
"clearanceParty" : { },
"contactInfo" : [ { } ],
"iataNumber" : "number",
"name" : "string",
"promotionIssuer" : { },
"pseudoCityIdentifier" : "string",
"servicingAgencyTicketDocInfo" : [ { } ],
"ticketIssuanceInfo" : { },
"travelAgencyAccreditation" : [ { } ],
"travelAgent" : [ { } ],
"typeCode" : { }
"ticket" : [ {
"baggageAllowance" : [ { } ],
"connectedDocNumber" : "number",
"coupon" : [ { } ],
"docTypeCode" : "string",
"exchReissueInd" : "boolean",
"feeOwnerCode" : { },
"presentCreditCardInd" : "boolean",
"primaryDocInd" : "boolean",
"remarkText" : "string",
"reportingTypeCode" : { },
"routingCode" : "string",
"taxOnEmdInd" : "boolean",
"ticketDocInfo" : { },
"ticketIssuanceInfo" : { },
"ticketNumber" : "number"
} ],
"ticketRefIdentification" : [ {
"refIdentifier" : "string",
"refTypeCode" : "string",
"ticketDocInfo" : { }
} ]