

An amount charged by the carrier for the carriage of a passenger and his allowable free baggage.


Name Description Type Required Generic Enum Ignore
accountCode Corporate ID used for pricing special fares. Example: 675124 string false false
fareCalculationInfo An Information related to the calculation of the Fare amount by applying various rules to determine a final fare for an airline ticket. FareCalculationInfo false false
fareComponent A portion of an itinerary between two consecutive fare construction points. If the journey has only one fare component, the points of origin and destination are the only fare construction points array false FareComponent --- false
fareIndCode Fare indicator code. Example: 1 (SYSTEM PRICED WITHOUT MANUAL INTERVENTION) Encoding Scheme: IATA PADIS Code List for data element 5387 - Price Type Qualifier string false false
farePriceType A type of fair price applied to a Fare Detail (e.g. filed amount, net amount, or a sell amount). array true FarePriceType --- false
fareRefText Fare reference key, ex: PQ123456 string false false
fareWaiver A Validating carrier-assigned fare rule modification or override information. array false FareWaiver --- false
filedFareInd When TRUE, a component of this fare has been priced using filed fare data. If FALSE, dynamic pricing has been applied. boolean false false
interlineSettlementInfo An Information item related to the value of a product or service as it pertains to interline transactions. InterlineSettlementInfo true false
netReportingCodeText Code indicating if the transaction is subject to a net reporting arrangement. string false false
orderItem An individually priced item within an Order, made up of one or more Services. May or may not be a selected Offer Item (e.g. non-chargeable Services available on request such as a wheelchair). OrderItem true false
pax A person except members of the crew carried or to be carried with the consent of the carrier, on board of any transport vehicle such as aircraft, train, bus, ship. Holds the attributes specific to a one booking, from shopping to fulfillment. array false Pax --- false
penalty A fee or penalty for failure to meet agreed conditions. Information related to a punishment imposed for breaking a law, rule, or contract. Penalty true false
price An amount of money expected, required, or given in payment for something. Price false false
pricingSystemCodeText IATA assigned code identifying the system used to price the itinerary for the document being issued. string false false
statisticalCodeText Code used for domestic or international sales differentiation. string false false
ticketDocInfo An Information corresponding to a group of 1 to 4 Tickets for a single Origin Destination and a single Passenger. TicketDocInfo false false
tourCode Tour Code. Example: ITGF12 string false false
  "accountCode" : "string",
  "fareCalculationInfo" : {
    "addlInfoText" : "string",
    "fareDetail" : { },
    "pricingCodeText" : "string",
    "reportingCodeText" : "string"
  "fareComponent" : [ {
    "cabinType" : { },
    "carrierFee" : { },
    "fareBasisAppCode" : "string",
    "fareBasisCityPairText" : "string",
    "fareBasisCode" : "string",
    "fareDetail" : { },
    "fareRule" : [ { } ],
    "fareTypeCode" : "string",
    "negotiatedCode" : "string",
    "paxSegment" : [ { } ],
    "price" : { },
    "priceClass" : { },
    "rbd" : { },
    "ticketDesigCode" : "string"
  } ],
  "fareIndCode" : "string",
  "farePriceType" : [ {
    "fareDetail" : { },
    "farePriceTypeCode" : "string",
    "price" : { }
  } ],
  "fareRefText" : "string",
  "fareWaiver" : [ {
    "fareDetail" : { },
    "fareRuleWaiverCode" : "string",
    "typeCode" : "string"
  } ],
  "filedFareInd" : "boolean",
  "interlineSettlementInfo" : {
    "commission" : [ { } ],
    "fareDetail" : [ { } ],
    "fee" : [ { } ],
    "methodCode" : { },
    "paxJourney" : { },
    "service" : { },
    "settlementAmount" : { },
    "surcharge" : [ { } ],
    "tax" : [ { } ],
    "taxableInd" : "boolean"
  "netReportingCodeText" : "string",
  "orderItem" : {
    "alacarteofferitem" : { },
    "bilateralTimeLimit" : [ { } ],
    "cancelRestrictions" : [ { } ],
    "changeGroupIdentifier" : "string",
    "changeRestrictions" : [ { } ],
    "changeTypeText" : "string",
    "commission" : [ { } ],
    "creationDateTime" : "string",
    "depositTimeLimitDateTime" : "string",
    "disclosure" : [ { } ],
    "fareDetail" : [ { } ],
    "grandTotalAmount" : { },
    "inventoryGuaranteeIdentifier" : "string",
    "inventoryGuaranteeTimeLimitDateTime" : "string",
    "marketingCarrier" : { },
    "namingTimeLimitDateTime" : "string",
    "offerItem" : { },
    "order" : { },
    "orderItemIdentifier" : "string",
    "ownerTypeCode" : { },
    "paxGroup" : { },
    "paymentInfo" : [ { } ],
    "paymentTimeLimitDateTime" : "string",
    "penalty" : [ { } ],
    "price" : { },
    "priceGuaranteeTimeLimitDateTime" : "string",
    "reusableInd" : "boolean",
    "service" : [ { } ],
    "statusCode" : { },
    "ticketingTimeLimitDateTime" : "string",
    "typeCode" : "string",
    "webAddressUri" : "string"
  "pax" : [ {
    "ageMeasure" : { },
    "ageOrdinal" : "integer",
    "alacarteofferitem" : [ { } ],
    "bag" : [ { } ],
    "birthdate" : "string",
    "booking" : { },
    "contactInfo" : [ { } ],
    "countryOfCitizenship" : { },
    "countryOfResidence" : { },
    "customerValueNumber" : "number",
    "existingOrderCriteria" : { },
    "fareDetail" : { },
    "foid" : { },
    "identityDoc" : [ { } ],
    "individual" : { },
    "infant" : { },
    "langUsage" : [ { } ],
    "loyaltyProgramAccount" : [ { } ],
    "offeredService" : [ { } ],
    "org" : { },
    "pax" : { },
    "paxGroup" : { },
    "paxIdentifier" : "string",
    "paxSegment" : [ { } ],
    "profileConsentInd" : "boolean",
    "profileIdentifierText" : "string",
    "promotion" : { },
    "ptcCode" : "string",
    "redressCase" : [ { } ],
    "remark" : [ { } ],
    "service" : [ { } ],
    "ticketDocInfo" : { }
  } ],
  "penalty" : {
    "amount" : { },
    "appCode" : { },
    "cancelFeeInd" : "boolean",
    "changeFeeInd" : "boolean",
    "descText" : "string",
    "fareDetail" : [ { } ],
    "fareRule" : { },
    "netInd" : "boolean",
    "offer" : { },
    "orderItem" : { },
    "penaltyIdentifier" : "string",
    "percent" : "number",
    "ticketDocInfo" : { },
    "typeCode" : { },
    "upgradeFeeInd" : "boolean"
  "price" : {
    "alacarteofferitem" : { },
    "baseAmount" : { },
    "baseAmountGuaranteeTimeLimitDateTime" : "string",
    "curConversion" : [ { } ],
    "discount" : { },
    "equivAmount" : { },
    "fareComponent" : { },
    "fareDetail" : { },
    "farePriceType" : { },
    "fee" : [ { } ],
    "loyaltyUnitAmount" : { },
    "loyaltyUnitName" : "string",
    "markup" : [ { } ],
    "maskedInd" : "boolean",
    "offer" : { },
    "offerItem" : { },
    "order" : { },
    "orderItem" : { },
    "service" : { },
    "surcharge" : [ { } ],
    "taxSummary" : [ { } ],
    "totalAmount" : { }
  "pricingSystemCodeText" : "string",
  "statisticalCodeText" : "string",
  "ticketDocInfo" : {
    "bookingAgency" : { },
    "bookingRef" : [ { } ],
    "bookletQty" : "number",
    "carrierFee" : { },
    "commission" : { },
    "endorsementText" : "string",
    "fareDetail" : { },
    "orderAmendment" : { },
    "originalIssueInfo" : { },
    "originDest" : { },
    "pax" : { },
    "paymentInfo" : [ { } ],
    "penalty" : [ { } ],
    "pricingCountryCode" : { },
    "pricingDate" : "string",
    "pricingLocationCode" : { },
    "pricingTime" : "string",
    "referencedOrder" : { },
    "servicingAgency" : { },
    "ticket" : [ { } ],
    "ticketRefIdentification" : [ { } ]
  "tourCode" : "string"