An accountable document issued by or on behalf of a carrier which includes notices and the flight and passenger coupons.
Name |
Description |
Type |
Required |
Generic |
Enum |
Ignore |
baggageAllowance |
An amount of checked or carry-on luggage the airline will allow per passenger. |
array |
false |
BaggageAllowance |
--- |
false |
connectedDocNumber |
The ticket/ document number to which this document is connected. |
number |
false |
false |
coupon |
A portion of the Passenger Ticket and Baggage Check or Excess Baggage Ticket that indicates particular places between which the coupon is good for carriage. |
array |
true |
Coupon |
--- |
false |
docTypeCode |
Document type code as defined by PADIS 1001 (Document/ Message Name, coded). |
string |
false |
false |
exchReissueInd |
When TRUE, the specified ticket/document number is on behalf of a document which has been exchanged or reissued. |
boolean |
false |
false |
feeOwnerCode |
Airline code assigned to a carrier. Either ICAO-defined 3-character code or IATA-defined 2-character code. |
AirlineDesigCode |
false |
false |
presentCreditCardInd |
When TRUE, the credit/debit card used for purchase must be presented. |
boolean |
false |
false |
primaryDocInd |
When TRUE, this is the primary ticket/document number. |
boolean |
false |
false |
remarkText |
Free text to provide further information related to the document. |
string |
false |
false |
reportingTypeCode |
For billing and settlement purposes, each time a travel agent requests an airline to perform an action on a document (Issuance, Refund, Exchange), he needs to know how to reconcile this action (via BSP, ARC, directly by ORA, etc.). |
ReportingTypeCode |
false |
false |
routingCode |
For EMD-A and EMD-S tickets with routing. Use 'D' if all board and off points are within the same country and 'I' if all board and of points are not within the same country. For EMD-S with no routing, do not use. |
string |
false |
false |
taxOnEmdInd |
When TRUE, a tax has been collected and is due to a local government from the validating carrier. |
boolean |
false |
false |
ticketDocInfo |
An Information corresponding to a group of 1 to 4 Tickets for a single Origin Destination and a single Passenger. |
TicketDocInfo |
true |
false |
ticketIssuanceInfo |
An issuing carrier and issuing location of a ticket. |
TicketIssuanceInfo |
false |
false |
ticketNumber |
The document number comprised of the airline code, form code, and serial number. |
number |
false |
false |
"baggageAllowance" : [ {
"applicableBagText" : "string",
"applicablePartyText" : "string",
"baggageAllowanceIdentifier" : "string",
"bdc" : { },
"coupon" : { },
"descText" : "string",
"dimensionAllowance" : [ { } ],
"paxJourney" : { },
"pieceAllowance" : [ { } ],
"reasonForIssuanceSubCode" : { },
"serviceDefinition" : { },
"ticket" : { },
"typeCode" : { },
"weightAllowance" : [ { } ]
} ],
"connectedDocNumber" : "number",
"coupon" : [ {
"baggageAllowance" : [ { } ],
"connectedCouponNumber" : "number",
"consumedAtIssuanceInd" : "boolean",
"couponNumber" : "number",
"couponValidityPeriod" : { },
"excessBaggage" : { },
"fareBasisCode" : "string",
"filedFee" : { },
"involIndCode" : "string",
"mediaTypeCode" : "string",
"nonCommissionableInd" : "boolean",
"nonInterlineableInd" : "boolean",
"nonRefundableInd" : "boolean",
"nonReissuableNonExchInd" : "boolean",
"productCharacteristic" : { },
"promotion" : { },
"refNumber" : "number",
"remarkText" : "string",
"resChangeInfo" : { },
"rficCode" : { },
"rfiscCode" : { },
"rfiscDescText" : "string",
"seqNumber" : "number",
"service" : [ { } ],
"serviceDeliveryDate" : "string",
"serviceDeliveryProviderLocationCode" : { },
"serviceDeliveryProviderName" : "string",
"serviceQty" : "number",
"settlementAuthorizationIdentifier" : "string",
"soldAirlineInfo" : { },
"statusCode" : "string",
"taxSummary" : [ { } ],
"ticket" : { },
"validatingCarrier" : { },
"valueAmount" : { }
} ],
"docTypeCode" : "string",
"exchReissueInd" : "boolean",
"feeOwnerCode" : {
"airlineDesigCodeEnum" : { }
"presentCreditCardInd" : "boolean",
"primaryDocInd" : "boolean",
"remarkText" : "string",
"reportingTypeCode" : {
"reportingTypeCodeEnum" : { }
"routingCode" : "string",
"taxOnEmdInd" : "boolean",
"ticketDocInfo" : {
"bookingAgency" : { },
"bookingRef" : [ { } ],
"bookletQty" : "number",
"carrierFee" : { },
"commission" : { },
"endorsementText" : "string",
"fareDetail" : { },
"orderAmendment" : { },
"originalIssueInfo" : { },
"originDest" : { },
"pax" : { },
"paymentInfo" : [ { } ],
"penalty" : [ { } ],
"pricingCountryCode" : { },
"pricingDate" : "string",
"pricingLocationCode" : { },
"pricingTime" : "string",
"referencedOrder" : { },
"servicingAgency" : { },
"ticket" : [ { } ],
"ticketRefIdentification" : [ { } ]
"ticketIssuanceInfo" : {
"iataLocationCode" : { },
"issueDate" : "string",
"issueTime" : "string",
"issuingCarrier" : { },
"ticket" : { },
"ticketDocInfo" : { },
"travelAgency" : { }
"ticketNumber" : "number"