

A request to an airline to additionally include a preview of the Offer price for a specified date range for the same Shopping Criteria.


Name Description Type Required Generic Enum Ignore
daysAfterNumber Number of days after the Departure and Arrival dates for which the Calendar Date request should consider. number true false
daysBeforeNumber Number of days prior to the Departure and Arrival dates for which the Calendar Date request should consider. number true false
originDest An Origin and Destination airport/city pair which confines a passenger journey or an aircraft flight. OriginDest true false

Referenced By

  "daysAfterNumber" : "number",
  "daysBeforeNumber" : "number",
  "originDest" : {
    "calendarDateCriteria" : { },
    "carrierFee" : { },
    "datedMarketingSegment" : [ { } ],
    "destArrivalCriteria" : { },
    "destStation" : { },
    "journeyDurationCriteria" : { },
    "originDepRequest" : { },
    "originDestIdentifier" : "string",
    "originStation" : { },
    "paxJourney" : [ { } ],
    "rbd" : [ { } ],
    "ticketDocInfo" : { }