A request to an airline to additionally include a preview of the Offer price for a specified date range for the same Shopping Criteria.
Name |
Description |
Type |
Required |
Generic |
Enum |
Ignore |
daysAfterNumber |
Number of days after the Departure and Arrival dates for which the Calendar Date request should consider. |
number |
true |
false |
daysBeforeNumber |
Number of days prior to the Departure and Arrival dates for which the Calendar Date request should consider. |
number |
true |
false |
originDest |
An Origin and Destination airport/city pair which confines a passenger journey or an aircraft flight. |
OriginDest |
true |
false |
"daysAfterNumber" : "number",
"daysBeforeNumber" : "number",
"originDest" : {
"calendarDateCriteria" : { },
"carrierFee" : { },
"datedMarketingSegment" : [ { } ],
"destArrivalCriteria" : { },
"destStation" : { },
"journeyDurationCriteria" : { },
"originDepRequest" : { },
"originDestIdentifier" : "string",
"originStation" : { },
"paxJourney" : [ { } ],
"rbd" : [ { } ],
"ticketDocInfo" : { }