

A specific allocation in a pantry distribution.


Name Description Type Required Generic Enum Ignore
galleyLocation A Non-seat related cabin feature or facility (e.g. lavatory, galley, closet, stowage, etc.) CabinComponent true false
indexValue The index influence of the total weight of galley equipment, food, service items etc. at the specified location. number false false
pantryDistribution An Allocation of galley equipment, food, service items etc. to specified locations or regardless of location. PantryDistribution true false
weightPerLocationMeasure Total weight of galley equipment, food, service items etc to be loaded at the specified location. WeightMeasure false false
  "galleyLocation" : {
    "absoluteLengthMeasure" : { },
    "absoluteWidthMeasure" : { },
    "aircraftGroupConfiguration" : { },
    "balanceArmAftMeasure" : { },
    "balanceArmCentroidMeasure" : { },
    "balanceArmForwardMeasure" : { },
    "cabinColumn" : [ { } ],
    "cabinCompartment" : { },
    "cabinComponentName" : "string",
    "columnEquivWidthNumber" : "number",
    "firstSeatRow" : { },
    "lastSeatRow" : { },
    "lateralArmCentroidMeasure" : { },
    "lateralArmFromMeasure" : { },
    "lateralArmToMeasure" : { },
    "maximumWeightMeasure" : { },
    "orientationCode" : { },
    "pantryDistributionElement" : [ { } ],
    "positionCode" : { },
    "rowEquivLengthNumber" : "number",
    "typeCode" : { },
    "weightUnitIndexValue" : "number"
  "indexValue" : "number",
  "pantryDistribution" : {
    "aircraftGroupConfiguration" : { },
    "balanceArmMeasure" : { },
    "dowConfiguration" : [ { } ],
    "indexValue" : "number",
    "pantryDistributionCode" : "string",
    "pantryDistributionElement" : [ { } ],
    "remark" : [ { } ],
    "totalWeightMeasure" : { }
  "weightPerLocationMeasure" : {
    "unitCode" : "string",
    "value" : "number"