An Information item related to the value of a product or service as it pertains to interline transactions.
Name |
Description |
Type |
Required |
Generic |
Enum |
Ignore |
commission |
A remuneration either an amount of money, or a set percentage of the value involved, paid to an agent in relations to a commercial transaction. |
array |
false |
Commission |
--- |
false |
fareDetail |
An amount charged by the carrier for the carriage of a passenger and his allowable free baggage. |
array |
false |
FareDetail |
--- |
false |
fee |
An amount added on to a charge for a specific product, purpose, or service. |
array |
false |
Fee |
--- |
false |
methodCode |
Settlement method. Examples: - AD (Internal Airline Document) - DS (Direct Settlement) - EA (EMD Associated or Internal Airline Document). |
SettlementMethodCode |
false |
false |
paxJourney |
A collection of segments which satisfies transportation of a passenger for a given origin and destination. |
PaxJourney |
true |
false |
service |
An instance of a specific flight or Service Definition as it has been offered (and eventually ordered and consumed) in the context of a specific Offer and/or Order. |
Service |
false |
false |
settlementAmount |
Settlement (Price) Value. Example: 300 (USD) Note: This represents a Settlement value that is only used between the POA and ORA. |
Amount |
false |
false |
surcharge |
An amount added on to a usual charge for a specific product, purpose, or service. |
array |
false |
Surcharge |
--- |
false |
tax |
A compulsory contribution to state revenue, levied by the government on workers' income and business profits or added to the cost of some goods, services, and transactions. |
array |
false |
Tax |
--- |
false |
taxableInd |
In some markets, commission is VAT-able (i.e. Taxable) |
boolean |
false |
false |
"commission" : [ {
"alacarteofferitem" : { },
"amount" : { },
"code" : "string",
"commissionCode" : "string",
"interlineSettlementInfo" : { },
"offer" : { },
"offerItem" : { },
"order" : { },
"orderItem" : { },
"percentageAppliedToAmount" : { },
"percentagePercent" : "number",
"priceQuote" : { },
"remarkText" : "string",
"taxableInd" : "boolean",
"ticketDocInfo" : { }
} ],
"fareDetail" : [ {
"accountCode" : "string",
"fareCalculationInfo" : { },
"fareComponent" : [ { } ],
"fareIndCode" : "string",
"farePriceType" : [ { } ],
"fareRefText" : "string",
"fareWaiver" : [ { } ],
"filedFareInd" : "boolean",
"interlineSettlementInfo" : { },
"netReportingCodeText" : "string",
"orderItem" : { },
"pax" : [ { } ],
"penalty" : { },
"price" : { },
"pricingSystemCodeText" : "string",
"statisticalCodeText" : "string",
"ticketDocInfo" : { },
"tourCode" : "string"
} ],
"fee" : [ {
"amount" : { },
"approximateInd" : "boolean",
"cancelRestrictions" : { },
"changeRestrictions" : { },
"descText" : "string",
"desigText" : "string",
"guaranteeTimeLimitDateTime" : "string",
"interlineSettlementInfo" : { },
"localAmount" : { },
"maximumAmount" : { },
"minimumAmount" : { },
"percent" : "number",
"price" : { },
"refundInd" : "boolean",
"surcharge" : { }
} ],
"methodCode" : {
"settlementMethodCodeEnum" : { }
"paxJourney" : {
"alacarteofferitem" : [ { } ],
"baggageAllowance" : { },
"duration" : "string",
"flightService" : [ { } ],
"interlineSettlementInfo" : { },
"originDest" : { },
"paxJourneyIdentifier" : "string",
"paxSegment" : [ { } ]
"service" : {
"accountingCode" : "string",
"accountingSubCode" : "string",
"actionCode" : { },
"alacarteofferitem" : { },
"bag" : [ { } ],
"bookingRef" : [ { } ],
"bookingStatusCode" : { },
"componentService" : [ { } ],
"compoundService" : { },
"coupon" : { },
"deliveryCode" : "string",
"deliveryMilestoneCode" : "string",
"deliveryProvider" : { },
"deliveryStatusCode" : { },
"deliveryStatusDescText" : "string",
"dependeeService" : { },
"dependentService" : [ { } ],
"descText" : "string",
"expirationDateTime" : "string",
"interlineSettlementInfo" : { },
"internalValue" : { },
"milestoneCode" : "string",
"offeredPax" : [ { } ],
"offerItem" : { },
"orderItem" : { },
"pax" : { },
"paxJourney" : { },
"paxSegment" : { },
"responsibleAirline" : { },
"selectedSeat" : { },
"serviceAssociations" : { },
"serviceDefinition" : { },
"serviceIdentifier" : "string",
"statusChangeReasonText" : "string",
"statusCode" : { },
"statusDescText" : "string",
"typeText" : "string",
"unchangedInd" : "boolean"
"settlementAmount" : {
"curCode" : "string",
"value" : "number"
"surcharge" : [ {
"allRefundableInd" : "boolean",
"breakdown" : [ { } ],
"interlineSettlementInfo" : { },
"price" : { },
"totalAmount" : { }
} ],
"tax" : [ {
"addlFiledTaxCode" : { },
"addlTaxCode" : { },
"amount" : { },
"approximateInd" : "boolean",
"appTypeCode" : "string",
"collectionInd" : "boolean",
"collectionPointTax" : [ { } ],
"country" : { },
"countrySubDivision" : { },
"curConversion" : { },
"descText" : "string",
"filedAmount" : { },
"filedTaxCode" : { },
"interlineSettlementInfo" : { },
"qualifierCode" : { },
"refundInd" : "boolean",
"salesTaxRegistration" : { },
"taxCode" : { },
"taxSummary" : { },
"typeCode" : { }
} ],
"taxableInd" : "boolean"