

Referenced By



Name Description Type Required Generic Enum Ignore
@type string true true
Amount The amount of the payment. number true false
CurrencyCode Assigned Type: ms-0300:CurrencyCode CurrencyCode_MS0300 true false
Tip An optional addition to the payment to reward good service. number false false
Gratuity A mandatory addition to the check for service. number false false
TenderType Assigned Type: ms-0300:TenderType_Enum TenderType_Enum true false
CardType Assigned Type: ms-0300:CardType_Enum CardType_Enum false false
TenderDescription Provides information regarding the tender type. string false false
AuthorizationCode The code returned by the authorization system. string false false
CardEntryType Assigned Type: ms-0300:CardEntryType_Enum CardEntryType_Enum false false
CustomerName The customer name. string false false
LastFour The last four digits of a credit\/debit card. string false false
FirstSix The first six digits of a credit\/debit card. string false false
AccountNumber Specifies account information for tender types other than credit cards. string false false
tenderPresenceInd When true, the payment method was present at the transaction location. boolean false false
depositInd When true, this payment is applied as a deposit (e.g. for a reservation or future order). boolean false false
ExtensionPoint ExtensionPoint false true
  "@type" : "string",
  "amount" : "number",
  "currencyCode" : {
    "value" : "string",
    "decimalPlaces" : "string"
  "tip" : "number",
  "gratuity" : "number",
  "tenderType" : {
    "value" : { },
    "extension" : "string"
  "cardType" : {
    "value" : { },
    "extension" : "string"
  "tenderDescription" : "string",
  "authorizationCode" : "string",
  "cardEntryType" : {
    "value" : { },
    "extension" : "string"
  "customerName" : "string",
  "lastFour" : "string",
  "firstSix" : "string",
  "accountNumber" : "string",
  "tenderPresenceInd" : "boolean",
  "depositInd" : "boolean",
  "extensionPoint" : { }