


Name Description Type Required Generic Enum Ignore
@type string true true
Quantity A number associated with QuantityUnits that describes the amount of a MenuProduct default. integer false false
QuantityUnits Descriptive units associated with the Quantity that describe the amount of a MenuProduct Default. Arbitrary pieces such as cases, ounces, sizes or any other descriptive unit. string false false
Preparation The name of the composition of the items that are included as part of the menu item, menu product or modifier. string false false
PreparationQuantity The amount of the item composition. integer false false
PreparationUnits Specifies the measure that apply to the composition. string false false
DefaultNotes Description or comments related to the item being defined. string false false
ExtensionPoint ExtensionPoint false true
  "@type" : "string",
  "quantity" : "integer",
  "quantityUnits" : "string",
  "preparation" : "string",
  "preparationQuantity" : "integer",
  "preparationUnits" : "string",
  "defaultNotes" : "string",
  "extensionPoint" : { }