A set of Data returned from the Directory Server/ACS containing the PAReq and the ACS URL that enable to cardholder to authenticate. Applicable for 3D Secure Version V 1.0. A container of enrolment information of the Payment Card e.g. Verified by Visa.
Name |
Description |
Type |
Required |
Generic |
Enum |
Ignore |
authenticationTrxIdentifier |
Unique 3D Secure transaction reference number assigned by Access Control System (ACS). Example: Qzl3WVc1TVpXNW5kR2crUEcxbGMzTmhaMlZK WkQ1UVFWSmxjUzB4TWpnNUSXcKTmprNU5EWThMMjFsYzNOaFoyVkpRDQ4TDAxRVBqd3ZVVEr Note: This is typically required for ACS systems that support Status Query. |
string |
false |
false |
merchantDataText |
Containing merchant state data that must be returned to the merchant. |
string |
false |
false |
payerAuthenticationRequestText |
The authentication request for the 3-D Secure transaction. When sending the customer's browser to the card issuer's ACS, the system will need to include the PaReq in the HTTPS POST. Example: eJzVWFmzosgSfudXdPQ8Gt1sbkzYRhQ7KCjI/sYOsimgoL/+lp7Tp5c5t2d67tMw8yv/WqiluJXS8WyyVFEQT28qz |
string |
false |
false |
paymentCard |
A device that enables its owner (the cardholder) to make a payment by electronic funds transfer. |
PaymentCard |
true |
false |
redirectionUrlUri |
3DS Access Control System URL. Note: This is the URL of the Issuing Bank's ACS, to which the cardholder needs to be re-directed. The browser should simply redirect to this URL. ACS or Access Control Server |
string |
false |
false |
responseParameters |
An information related to how response results should be returned. |
ResponseParameters |
true |
false |
terminationUrlUri |
The URL to which the user will be directed to at the conclusion of 3D secure authentication. Example: |
string |
false |
false |
"authenticationTrxIdentifier" : "string",
"merchantDataText" : "string",
"payerAuthenticationRequestText" : "string",
"paymentCard" : {
"approvalTypeCode" : { },
"cardBrandCode" : { },
"cardHolderContactInfo" : { },
"cardIssuerName" : "string",
"cardNumber" : "string",
"cardProductTypeCode" : "string",
"cardSecurityCode" : "string",
"cardSeqNumber" : "number",
"cardTypeText" : "string",
"creditCardIssuerCode" : { },
"effectiveDate" : "string",
"expirationDate" : "string",
"payer" : { },
"paymentMethod" : { },
"protectedCardIdentifier" : "string",
"reconciliationIdentifier" : "string",
"securePayerAuthentication" : { },
"securePayerAuthenticationInstructions" : { },
"secureProgram" : { },
"sellerOwnCardInd" : "boolean"
"redirectionUrlUri" : "string",
"responseParameters" : {
"bdc" : { },
"curParameter" : [ { } ],
"device" : { },
"inventoryGuaranteeInd" : "boolean",
"langUsage" : [ { } ],
"marketingMessage" : [ { } ],
"measurementSystemCode" : { },
"paxGroup" : { },
"pricingParameter" : { },
"reasonCode" : "string",
"securePayerAuthenticationInstructions" : { }
"terminationUrlUri" : "string"