A sitting place for a passenger located in the cabin.
Name |
Description |
Type |
Required |
Generic |
Enum |
Ignore |
cabinColumn |
A Column within a Cabin used to identify Seats and Cabin Components within a Row. |
CabinColumn |
true |
false |
characteristicCode |
Characteristic of an aircraft seat e.g. A (Aisle seat), E (Exit and emergency exit),..., according to PADIS code list 9825. |
SeatCharacteristicCode |
false |
false |
columnIdentifier |
Alphabetic character identifying a seat within a row. |
string |
false |
false |
seatOnLeg |
A sitting place for a passenger or crew in a cabin compartment on a Dated Operating Leg. |
array |
false |
SeatOnLeg |
--- |
false |
seatProfile |
An Airline defined characteristics shared by a group of seats. |
array |
false |
SeatProfile |
--- |
false |
seatRow |
A row of passenger seats located in the cabin. |
SeatRow |
true |
false |
shoppingCriteria |
A set of criteria which qualifies the flight request by influencing which results are returned in the shopping response, including preferred or required criteria. |
ShoppingCriteria |
true |
false |
"cabinColumn" : {
"cabinCompartment" : { },
"cabinComponent" : { },
"characteristicCode" : { },
"columnIdentifier" : "string",
"seat" : { }
"characteristicCode" : {
"seatCharacteristicCodeEnum" : { }
"columnIdentifier" : "string",
"seatOnLeg" : [ {
"alacarteofferitem" : [ { } ],
"availableSeatSericeAssociation" : { },
"datedOperatingLeg" : { },
"occupationStatusCode" : { },
"seat" : { },
"seatRow" : { },
"selectedSeatSericeAssociation" : { },
"service" : [ { } ]
} ],
"seatProfile" : [ {
"characteristicCode" : { },
"marketingInfo" : [ { } ],
"seat" : { },
"seatKeywords" : [ { } ],
"seatPitchMeasure" : { },
"seatProfileIdentifier" : "string",
"seatWidthMeasure" : { },
"serviceDefinition" : { }
} ],
"seatRow" : {
"balanceArmMeasure" : { },
"cabinCompartment" : { },
"cabinSection" : { },
"firstRowSeatRow" : { },
"firstSeatRowCabinCompartment" : { },
"lastRowSeatRow" : { },
"lastSeatRowCabinCompartment" : { },
"maximumSeatsQty" : "number",
"maximumWeightMeasure" : { },
"rowCharacteristicCode" : { },
"rowNumber" : "integer",
"seat" : [ { } ],
"seatOnLeg" : [ { } ],
"weightUnitIndexValue" : "number"
"shoppingCriteria" : {
"allianceCriteria" : { },
"baggagePricingCriteria" : { },
"cabinTypeCriteria" : { },
"connectionCriteria" : { },
"existingOrderCriteria" : { },
"fareCriteria" : [ { } ],
"flightCriteria" : { },
"fopCriteria" : [ { } ],
"paymentCardCriteria" : [ { } ],
"programCriteria" : [ { } ],
"promotionCriteria" : { },
"seatCriteria" : [ { } ],
"serviceCriteria" : { },
"specialNeedsCriteria" : { },
"tripPurposeCode" : { }