Name | Description | Type | Required | Generic | Enum | Ignore |
balanceArmAftMeasure | The linear dimension from the aircraft datum to the aft edge of the cabin section at the specified class. Used when graphical representation of each specified cabin section/class is available in the supplier's departure control system. | LengthMeasure | false | false | ||
balanceArmCentroidMeasure | The linear dimension from the aircraft datum to the mean point at which the CG influence of all passengers in the specified class is calculated. | LengthMeasure | false | false | ||
balanceArmForwardMeasure | The linear dimension from the aircraft datum to the forward edge of the cabin section at the specified class. Used when graphical representation of each specified cabin section/class is available in the supplier's departure control system. | LengthMeasure | false | false | ||
cabinType | A Type of compartment of an aircraft, offering specific services (e.g. business class, economy). | CabinType | true | false | ||
firstRowNumber | The row number of the first seat row in the specified class. | integer | false | false | ||
lastRowNumber | The row number of the last seat row in the specified class. | integer | false | false | ||
lateralArmFromMeasure | The linear dimension from the aircraft centerline to the left hand edge of the cabin section at the specified class. Used when the graphical representation of each specified cabin section/class is available in the supplier's departure control system. | LengthMeasure | false | false | ||
lateralArmToMeasure | The linear dimension from the aircraft centerline to the right hand edge of the cabin section at the specified class. Used when the graphical representation of each specified cabin section/class is available in the supplier's departure control system. | LengthMeasure | false | false | ||
saleableConfiguration | A planned utilization layout of aircraft cabin section/zone that is fit or able to be sold. | SaleableConfiguration | true | false | ||
seatsQty | Total number of seats in the specified class. | number | false | false | ||
weightUnitIndexValue | The index influence of one weight unit (as defined under aircraft units) of passenger weight within the specified cabin section/class, assumed to be located at the main centroid of passenger seats within the cabin section/class. | number | false | false |
CabinType |
SaleableConfiguration |
{ "balanceArmAftMeasure" : { "unitCode" : "string", "value" : "number" }, "balanceArmCentroidMeasure" : { "unitCode" : "string", "value" : "number" }, "balanceArmForwardMeasure" : { "unitCode" : "string", "value" : "number" }, "cabinType" : { "airlineCabinType" : [ { } ], "baggageCabinTypeSegmentServiceOffer" : [ { } ], "baggageStandardWeights" : [ { } ], "cabinCompartment" : [ { } ], "cabinLayoutClassInfo" : [ { } ], "cabinTypeCode" : { }, "cabinTypeIdentifier" : "string", "cabinTypeName" : "string", "fareComponent" : { }, "flightCriteria" : { }, "name" : "string", "paxCabinTypeSegmentServiceOffer" : [ { } ], "paxSegment" : [ { } ], "paxStandardWeights" : [ { } ], "priceClass" : { }, "saleableConfigurationClassInfo" : [ { } ], "saleableConfigurationSectionClassInfo" : [ { } ], "shoppingCriteria" : [ { } ], "typeCode" : { } }, "firstRowNumber" : "integer", "lastRowNumber" : "integer", "lateralArmFromMeasure" : { "unitCode" : "string", "value" : "number" }, "lateralArmToMeasure" : { "unitCode" : "string", "value" : "number" }, "saleableConfiguration" : { "aircraftGroupConfiguration" : { }, "iataAircraftType" : { }, "saleableConfigurationClassInfo" : [ { } ], "saleableConfigurationIdentifier" : "string", "saleableConfigurationSection" : [ { } ] }, "seatsQty" : "number", "weightUnitIndexValue" : "number" }