A company that partners with a manufacturer or producer to market and sell the manufacturer's products, services, or technologies.
Name |
Description |
Type |
Required |
Generic |
Enum |
Ignore |
contactInfo |
An electronic or geographic address which a party has provided as the contact channel. For example, contact email, contact postal address, contact phone number. |
array |
false |
ContactInfo |
--- |
${prop.ignore} |
name |
Retail partner name. |
string |
false |
${prop.ignore} |
retailPartnerIdentifier |
Unique Retailer ID |
string |
false |
${prop.ignore} |
"contactInfo" : [ {
"aggregator" : { },
"airline" : { },
"carrier" : { },
"contactInfoIdentifier" : "string",
"contactPurposeText" : "string",
"contactRefusedInd" : "boolean",
"contactTypeText" : "string",
"corporation" : { },
"directBill" : { },
"emailAddress" : [ { } ],
"enabledSystem" : { },
"individual" : { },
"individualRefIdentifier" : "string",
"org" : { },
"otherAddress" : [ { } ],
"pax" : { },
"paxGroup" : { },
"paymentCard" : { },
"paymentInfo" : { },
"phone" : [ { } ],
"postalAddress" : [ { } ],
"relationshipToPaxText" : "string",
"retailPartner" : { },
"travelAgency" : { }
} ],
"name" : "string",
"retailPartnerIdentifier" : "string"