

An Issuer or Sponsor of a Promotion.


Name Description Type Required Generic Enum Ignore
carrier An organization which carries the passenger, baggage, or goods, and/or commits to delivering the carriage as well as any related services such as issuance of ticket, creation of Order, etc. Carrier true false
org An organized structure set up for a particular purpose, such as a business, government body, department, charity, or financial institution. Org true false
promotion An Information item related to publicizing a product, organization, or venture so as to increase sales or public awareness. array false Promotion --- false
travelAgency A private retailer or public service that provides travel and tourism related services to the public on behalf of suppliers such as activities, airlines, car rentals, cruise lines, hotels, railways, travel insurance, and package tours. TravelAgency true false
  "carrier" : {
    "aircraftGroup" : [ { } ],
    "airlineAccountingCode" : "string",
    "airlineCabinType" : [ { } ],
    "airlineCriteria" : [ { } ],
    "airlineDesigCode" : { },
    "airlineLoadInfo" : [ { } ],
    "airlineProfile" : { },
    "alliance" : [ { } ],
    "baggageAllowance" : { },
    "baggageDisclosure" : { },
    "baggageStandardWeights" : [ { } ],
    "bagTag" : { },
    "bookingEntity" : { },
    "carrierAgent" : [ { } ],
    "carrierAircraftType" : [ { } ],
    "carrierFee" : { },
    "clearance" : { },
    "clearanceParty" : { },
    "contactInfo" : [ { } ],
    "contentOwner" : { },
    "coupon" : { },
    "crewBaggageStandardWeights" : [ { } ],
    "crewStandardWeights" : [ { } ],
    "datedMarketingSegment" : [ { } ],
    "datedOperatingFlight" : [ { } ],
    "datedOperatingSegment" : [ { } ],
    "duplicateDesigInd" : "boolean",
    "iataAircraftType" : [ { } ],
    "iataNumber" : "number",
    "loyaltyProgram" : { },
    "loyaltyProgramAccount" : { },
    "marketedOffer" : [ { } ],
    "merchantAccount" : { },
    "name" : "string",
    "order" : [ { } ],
    "orderItem" : [ { } ],
    "paxStandardWeights" : [ { } ],
    "programCriteria" : { },
    "promotionIssuer" : { },
    "service" : { },
    "serviceDefinition" : [ { } ],
    "shoppingResponse" : { },
    "ticketIssuanceInfo" : { },
    "uldType" : [ { } ],
    "validatedOffer" : [ { } ],
    "volumeUnitCode" : { },
    "weightUnitCode" : { }
  "org" : {
    "bookingEntity" : { },
    "bookingRef" : [ { } ],
    "clearance" : { },
    "clearanceParty" : { },
    "contactInfo" : [ { } ],
    "contentOwner" : { },
    "name" : "string",
    "orgIdentifier" : "string",
    "pax" : { },
    "programCriteria" : { },
    "promotionIssuer" : { },
    "salesTaxRegistration" : [ { } ],
    "taxDeductedAtSourceCapabilityInd" : "boolean"
  "promotion" : [ {
    "coupon" : { },
    "ownerName" : "string",
    "pax" : [ { } ],
    "paymentInfo" : { },
    "promotionIdentifier" : "string",
    "promotionIssuer" : { },
    "remark" : [ { } ],
    "shoppingCriteria" : { },
    "urlUri" : "string"
  } ],
  "travelAgency" : {
    "agencyIdentifier" : "string",
    "bookingAgencyTicketDocInfo" : [ { } ],
    "clearance" : { },
    "clearanceParty" : { },
    "contactInfo" : [ { } ],
    "iataNumber" : "number",
    "name" : "string",
    "promotionIssuer" : { },
    "pseudoCityIdentifier" : "string",
    "servicingAgencyTicketDocInfo" : [ { } ],
    "ticketIssuanceInfo" : { },
    "travelAgencyAccreditation" : [ { } ],
    "travelAgent" : [ { } ],
    "typeCode" : { }