

A pricing history information for a given Order.


Name Description Type Required Generic Enum Ignore
amount Quoted amount and currency information. Amount true false
commission A remuneration either an amount of money, or a set percentage of the value involved, paid to an agent in relations to a commercial transaction. Commission true false
ownerCode Airline code assigned to a carrier. Either ICAO-defined 3-character code or IATA-defined 2-character code. AirlineDesigCode false false
priceGuaranteeTimeLimitDateTime Time limit information for this price quote. string true false
quoteDateTime Date time information related to the Price Quote. string false false
sourceText ID or name of the source of this Transaction ID. Examples: UA, ABC123. Note: If this is an Airline ID, please use 'Owner Code'. string false false

Referenced By

  "amount" : {
    "curCode" : "string",
    "value" : "number"
  "commission" : {
    "alacarteofferitem" : { },
    "amount" : { },
    "code" : "string",
    "commissionCode" : "string",
    "interlineSettlementInfo" : { },
    "offer" : { },
    "offerItem" : { },
    "order" : { },
    "orderItem" : { },
    "percentageAppliedToAmount" : { },
    "percentagePercent" : "number",
    "priceQuote" : { },
    "remarkText" : "string",
    "taxableInd" : "boolean",
    "ticketDocInfo" : { }
  "ownerCode" : {
    "airlineDesigCodeEnum" : { }
  "priceGuaranteeTimeLimitDateTime" : "string",
  "quoteDateTime" : "string",
  "sourceText" : "string"