A price point within a particular Cabin Type (sometimes referred to as 'Fare Families').
Name |
Description |
Type |
Required |
Generic |
Enum |
Ignore |
aLaCarteOfferItem |
A Container of one Service (excluding flights) or Service Bundle which is priced per unit. A La Carte Offer Items are optional, and the quantities of these can be selected for any of the eligible passengers and segments. |
array |
false |
ALaCarteOfferItem |
--- |
false |
cabinType |
A Type of compartment of an aircraft, offering specific services (e.g. business class, economy). |
array |
false |
CabinType |
--- |
false |
code |
Price class code. Example: 1, ABC |
string |
false |
false |
displayOrderText |
The Airline requested default display order (in a client application) for this price class. For example: 2. |
string |
false |
false |
fareBasisAppText |
Fare basis application. Examples: Requested, Ticketed, Other. |
string |
false |
false |
fareBasisCode |
Fare basis code. Example: Y26 |
string |
false |
false |
fareComponent |
A portion of an itinerary between two consecutive fare construction points. If the journey has only one fare component, the points of origin and destination are the only fare construction points |
FareComponent |
false |
false |
name |
Price class name. Example: SUPERSAVER |
string |
true |
false |
priceClassIdentifier |
Uniquely Identifies a Price Class within the context of one message. |
string |
false |
false |
"alacarteofferitem" : [ {
"cancelRestrictions" : [ { } ],
"changeRestrictions" : [ { } ],
"commission" : [ { } ],
"flightService" : { },
"offer" : { },
"offerItemIdentifier" : "string",
"orderItem" : { },
"pax" : [ { } ],
"paxJourney" : [ { } ],
"paxSegment" : [ { } ],
"paymentTimeLimit" : { },
"priceClass" : [ { } ],
"seatOnLeg" : { },
"unitPrice" : { }
} ],
"cabinType" : [ {
"airlineCabinType" : [ { } ],
"baggageCabinTypeSegmentServiceOffer" : [ { } ],
"baggageStandardWeights" : [ { } ],
"cabinCompartment" : [ { } ],
"cabinLayoutClassInfo" : [ { } ],
"cabinTypeCode" : { },
"cabinTypeIdentifier" : "string",
"cabinTypeName" : "string",
"fareComponent" : { },
"flightCriteria" : { },
"name" : "string",
"paxCabinTypeSegmentServiceOffer" : [ { } ],
"paxSegment" : [ { } ],
"paxStandardWeights" : [ { } ],
"priceClass" : { },
"saleableConfigurationClassInfo" : [ { } ],
"saleableConfigurationSectionClassInfo" : [ { } ],
"shoppingCriteria" : [ { } ],
"typeCode" : { }
} ],
"code" : "string",
"displayOrderText" : "string",
"fareBasisAppText" : "string",
"fareBasisCode" : "string",
"fareComponent" : {
"cabinType" : { },
"carrierFee" : { },
"fareBasisAppCode" : "string",
"fareBasisCityPairText" : "string",
"fareBasisCode" : "string",
"fareDetail" : { },
"fareRule" : [ { } ],
"fareTypeCode" : "string",
"negotiatedCode" : "string",
"paxSegment" : [ { } ],
"price" : { },
"priceClass" : { },
"rbd" : { },
"ticketDesigCode" : "string"
"name" : "string",
"priceClassIdentifier" : "string"