A specific allocation in a potable water distribution.
Name |
Description |
Type |
Required |
Generic |
Enum |
Ignore |
indexValue |
The index influence of the weight of water in the specified tank. |
number |
false |
false |
potableWaterDistribution |
A distribution of potable water to each individually specified potable water tank or to all tanks. Water can be specified as follows: - Weight per tank, with corresponding index. - Distribution: For a given total water weight, specify the quantity in each tank - Specific water weights, with corresponding index. - Adjustment (from full) e.g. full water included in basic weight. |
PotableWaterDistribution |
true |
false |
potableWaterTank |
A tank of potable water located in the cabin. |
PotableWaterTank |
true |
false |
tankWeightMeasure |
Weight adjustment of water in the specified potable water tank. |
WeightMeasure |
false |
false |
"indexValue" : "number",
"potableWaterDistribution" : {
"aircraftGroupConfiguration" : { },
"balanceArmMeasure" : { },
"dowConfiguration" : [ { } ],
"indexValue" : "number",
"potableWaterDistributionCode" : "string",
"potableWaterDistributionElement" : [ { } ],
"remark" : [ { } ],
"totalWeightMeasure" : { }
"potableWaterTank" : {
"aircraftGroupConfiguration" : { },
"balanceArmAftMeasure" : { },
"balanceArmCentroidMeasure" : { },
"balanceArmForwardMeasure" : { },
"lateralArmCentroidMeasure" : { },
"maximumWeightMeasure" : { },
"potableWaterDistributionElement" : [ { } ],
"potableWaterTankName" : "string",
"weightUnitIndexValue" : "number"
"tankWeightMeasure" : {
"unitCode" : "string",
"value" : "number"