An information identifying the location and other attributes of the entity performing transactions. Point of sale may be considered by some systems when making inventory and availability decisions.
Name |
Description |
Type |
Required |
Generic |
Enum |
Ignore |
agentDutyText |
Internally defined agent authority to request changes. |
string |
false |
false |
city |
A City, town, or postal station (i.e. a postal service territory, often used in a military address, or metropolitan area). |
City |
false |
false |
country |
A nation with its own government, occupying a particular territory. |
Country |
false |
false |
device |
A Device upon which the secure transaction will occur. |
Device |
false |
false |
onlineTrxInd |
Indicator to flag if this is an online transaction, it could be used to refer to the Point of Sales, which could be an online platform. |
boolean |
true |
false |
requestTime |
Point of sale timestamp value. Example: 2017-01-13T13:59:38Z Note: This may be used if the point of sale time zone differs from the message creation timestamp. |
string |
false |
false |
"agentDutyText" : "string",
"city" : {
"bag" : { },
"bookingEntity" : [ { } ],
"cityName" : "string",
"country" : { },
"countrySubDivision" : { },
"iataLocationCode" : { },
"pos" : [ { } ],
"postalAddress" : [ { } ]
"country" : {
"affinityArrivalRequest" : [ { } ],
"affinityDepRequest" : [ { } ],
"bag" : { },
"carrierAgent" : [ { } ],
"citizenshipCountry" : [ { } ],
"citizenshipIdentifyingDoc" : [ { } ],
"countryCode" : { },
"countryName" : "string",
"countrySubDivision" : [ { } ],
"issuedIdentifyingDoc" : [ { } ],
"merchantAccount" : { },
"natlIdentifyingDoc" : [ { } ],
"pos" : [ { } ],
"redressCase" : [ { } ],
"residenceIdentifyingDoc" : [ { } ],
"residentialCountry" : [ { } ],
"salesTaxRegistration" : { },
"tax" : [ { } ],
"travelAgent" : [ { } ],
"visa" : [ { } ]
"device" : {
"browserAcceptHeaderText" : "string",
"browserUserAgentHeaderText" : "string",
"deviceCode" : "string",
"deviceName" : "string",
"geospatialLocation" : { },
"ipAddressText" : "string",
"macAddressText" : "string",
"paymentTrx" : { },
"phone" : { },
"pos" : { },
"presenceTypeCode" : { },
"responseParameters" : { },
"touchPointTrxCode" : "string",
"typeCode" : { }
"onlineTrxInd" : "boolean",
"requestTime" : "string"