

An information identifying the location and other attributes of the entity performing transactions. Point of sale may be considered by some systems when making inventory and availability decisions.


Name Description Type Required Generic Enum Ignore
agentDutyText Internally defined agent authority to request changes. string false false
city A City, town, or postal station (i.e. a postal service territory, often used in a military address, or metropolitan area). City false false
country A nation with its own government, occupying a particular territory. Country false false
device A Device upon which the secure transaction will occur. Device false false
onlineTrxInd Indicator to flag if this is an online transaction, it could be used to refer to the Point of Sales, which could be an online platform. boolean true false
requestTime Point of sale timestamp value. Example: 2017-01-13T13:59:38Z Note: This may be used if the point of sale time zone differs from the message creation timestamp. string false false

Referenced By

  "agentDutyText" : "string",
  "city" : {
    "bag" : { },
    "bookingEntity" : [ { } ],
    "cityName" : "string",
    "country" : { },
    "countrySubDivision" : { },
    "iataLocationCode" : { },
    "pos" : [ { } ],
    "postalAddress" : [ { } ]
  "country" : {
    "affinityArrivalRequest" : [ { } ],
    "affinityDepRequest" : [ { } ],
    "bag" : { },
    "carrierAgent" : [ { } ],
    "citizenshipCountry" : [ { } ],
    "citizenshipIdentifyingDoc" : [ { } ],
    "countryCode" : { },
    "countryName" : "string",
    "countrySubDivision" : [ { } ],
    "issuedIdentifyingDoc" : [ { } ],
    "merchantAccount" : { },
    "natlIdentifyingDoc" : [ { } ],
    "pos" : [ { } ],
    "redressCase" : [ { } ],
    "residenceIdentifyingDoc" : [ { } ],
    "residentialCountry" : [ { } ],
    "salesTaxRegistration" : { },
    "tax" : [ { } ],
    "travelAgent" : [ { } ],
    "visa" : [ { } ]
  "device" : {
    "browserAcceptHeaderText" : "string",
    "browserUserAgentHeaderText" : "string",
    "deviceCode" : "string",
    "deviceName" : "string",
    "geospatialLocation" : { },
    "ipAddressText" : "string",
    "macAddressText" : "string",
    "paymentTrx" : { },
    "phone" : { },
    "pos" : { },
    "presenceTypeCode" : { },
    "responseParameters" : { },
    "touchPointTrxCode" : "string",
    "typeCode" : { }
  "onlineTrxInd" : "boolean",
  "requestTime" : "string"