A telephone number is a sequence of digits assigned to a fixed-line telephone subscriber station connected to a telephone line or to a wireless electronic telephony device, such as a radio telephone or a mobile telephone, or to other devices for data transmission via the public switched telephone network (PSTN) or other private networks.
Name |
Description |
Type |
Required |
Generic |
Enum |
Ignore |
areaCodeNumber |
Phone number area code. Example: 813 Note: The phone number can be put unstructured into the phone element or can be put structured into country dialing code, area code, phone number and extension. |
number |
false |
${prop.ignore} |
contactInfo |
An electronic or geographic address which a party has provided as the contact channel. For example, contact email, contact postal address, contact phone number. |
ContactInfo |
false |
${prop.ignore} |
countryDialingCode |
Numeric telephone dialing prefixes for the member countries of the International Telecommunication Union (ITU). Note: The phone number can be put unstructured into the phone element or can be put structured into country dialing code, area code, phone number and extension. |
CountryDialingCode |
false |
${prop.ignore} |
device |
A Device upon which the secure transaction will occur. |
Device |
false |
${prop.ignore} |
extensionNumber |
Phone extension number. Example: 1234 Note: The phone number can be put unstructured into the phone element or can be put structured into country dialing code, area code, phone number and extension. |
number |
false |
${prop.ignore} |
labelText |
Used to differentiate multiple Phone numbers of one contact. Examples: Work, Home, Mobile |
string |
false |
${prop.ignore} |
phoneNumber |
Phone number text. Examples: +1 999-999-9999 ext 1234, 617-9976 Note: This may be a simple, un-structured phone number, such as +01 999-999-9999 ext 1234 or combined with additional attributes country dialing code, area code and extension to create a structured phone number. |
number |
false |
${prop.ignore} |
"areaCodeNumber" : "number",
"contactInfo" : {
"aggregator" : { },
"airline" : { },
"carrier" : { },
"contactInfoIdentifier" : "string",
"contactPurposeText" : "string",
"contactRefusedInd" : "boolean",
"contactTypeText" : "string",
"corporation" : { },
"directBill" : { },
"emailAddress" : [ { } ],
"enabledSystem" : { },
"individual" : { },
"individualRefIdentifier" : "string",
"org" : { },
"otherAddress" : [ { } ],
"pax" : { },
"paxGroup" : { },
"paymentCard" : { },
"paymentInfo" : { },
"phone" : [ { } ],
"postalAddress" : [ { } ],
"relationshipToPaxText" : "string",
"retailPartner" : { },
"travelAgency" : { }
"countryDialingCode" : {
"countryDialingCodeEnum" : { }
"device" : {
"browserAcceptHeaderText" : "string",
"browserUserAgentHeaderText" : "string",
"deviceCode" : "string",
"deviceName" : "string",
"geospatialLocation" : { },
"ipAddressText" : "string",
"macAddressText" : "string",
"paymentTrx" : { },
"phone" : { },
"pos" : { },
"presenceTypeCode" : { },
"responseParameters" : { },
"touchPointTrxCode" : "string",
"typeCode" : { }
"extensionNumber" : "number",
"labelText" : "string",
"phoneNumber" : "number"