A time limit used to indicate by when payment commitment must be received for confirmed Order Item in an Order. To indicate instant payment, the duration field should be populated with a value of 0. If no value is returned, then no advice has been given.
Name |
Description |
Type |
Required |
Generic |
Enum |
Ignore |
aLaCarteOfferItem |
A Container of one Service (excluding flights) or Service Bundle which is priced per unit. A La Carte Offer Items are optional, and the quantities of these can be selected for any of the eligible passengers and segments. |
ALaCarteOfferItem |
true |
false |
duration |
Duration from the Order creation date by which payment commitment is required for a given Order Item. For example: PaymentTimeLimitDuration: 'PT48H3M6S' shows the amount of time after Order is created/changed that payment commitment must be made for a given Order Item. PaymentTimeLimitDuration: 'PT0H0M0S' indicates instant payment is required for a given Order Item. |
string |
false |
false |
offerItem |
A priced grouping of one or more services within an Offer. |
OfferItem |
true |
false |
"alacarteofferitem" : {
"cancelRestrictions" : [ { } ],
"changeRestrictions" : [ { } ],
"commission" : [ { } ],
"flightService" : { },
"offer" : { },
"offerItemIdentifier" : "string",
"orderItem" : { },
"pax" : [ { } ],
"paxJourney" : [ { } ],
"paxSegment" : [ { } ],
"paymentTimeLimit" : { },
"priceClass" : [ { } ],
"seatOnLeg" : { },
"unitPrice" : { }
"duration" : "string",
"offerItem" : {
"cancelRestrictions" : [ { } ],
"changeRestrictions" : [ { } ],
"commission" : [ { } ],
"mandatoryInd" : "boolean",
"modificationProhibitedInd" : "boolean",
"offer" : { },
"offerItemIdentifier" : "string",
"orderAmendment" : { },
"orderItem" : { },
"paymentTimeLimit" : { },
"price" : { },
"priceGuaranteeTimeLimitDateTime" : "string",
"relatedToExistingOrderItem" : [ { } ],
"service" : [ { } ],
"typeCode" : "string"