

A Secure Payment-related Processing information, including AVS/ CVV Verification Results and Secure Payment Processing Results.


Name Description Type Required Generic Enum Ignore
addressVerificationInvalidInd When true, the specified address was invalid. boolean false false
addressVerificationNoMatchInd When true, the specified address could not be matched with issuing bank address on record. boolean false false
addressVerificationStatusCode The address verification response code (AVS) when the ticketing agency performs address verification. Examples: X - Match: Street address and 9-digit ZIP code both match Y - Match: Street address and 5-digit ZIP code both match A - Partial Match: Street address matches, but both 5-digit and 9-digit ZIP Code do not match W - Partial Match: Street address does not match, but 9-digit ZIP code matches Z - Partial Match: Street address does not match, but 5-digit ZIP code matches N - No Match: Street address, 5-digit ZIP code, and 9-digit ZIP code all do not match U - System Unavailable: Address information unavailable. Returned if non-US. AVS is not available or if the AVS in a U.S. bank is not functioning properly. R - System Unavailable: Retry - Issuer's System Unavailable or Timed Out. E - Invalid: AVS data is invalid S - Not Supported: U.S. issuing bank does not support AVS string false false
addressVerificationText Additional Response Text from 3DS Provider. string false false
paymentTrx A set of Additional identification and URLs used to further describe a secure payment transaction. PaymentTrx true false
postalAddress A natural or physical address used for postal service. May be a building address, airport address, etc. PostalAddress true false

Referenced By

  "addressVerificationInvalidInd" : "boolean",
  "addressVerificationNoMatchInd" : "boolean",
  "addressVerificationStatusCode" : "string",
  "addressVerificationText" : "string",
  "paymentTrx" : {
    "descText" : "string",
    "device" : { },
    "inputCurCode" : { },
    "maximumTryInd" : "boolean",
    "notProcessedInd" : "boolean",
    "originalIdentifier" : "string",
    "paymentAddressVerification" : { },
    "paymentInfo" : { },
    "retryInd" : "boolean",
    "settlementCurCode" : { },
    "timestampDateTime" : "string",
    "trxDataText" : "string",
    "trxIdentifier" : "string",
    "trxTypeText" : "string"
  "postalAddress" : {
    "buildingRoomText" : "string",
    "cash" : [ { } ],
    "city" : { },
    "contactInfo" : { },
    "labelText" : "string",
    "paymentAddressVerification" : { },
    "poBoxCode" : "string",
    "postalCode" : "string",
    "streetText" : "string"