An account set up for a customer within a rewards program which holds funds on behalf of that customer.
Name |
Description |
Type |
Required |
Generic |
Enum |
Ignore |
accountNumberCode |
Loyalty Program account number. Example: ABC123456 |
string |
false |
false |
alliance |
A reference for two or more airlines participating in a commercial relationship or joint venture, where a joint and commonly identifiable product is marketed under a single commercial name or brand. |
Alliance |
false |
false |
bagSegment |
A movement of a bag over a Dated Operating Segment. |
array |
false |
BagSegment |
--- |
false |
carrier |
An organization which carries the passenger, baggage, or goods, and/or commits to delivering the carriage as well as any related services such as issuance of ticket, creation of Order, etc. |
Carrier |
false |
false |
loyaltyProgram |
A rewards program offered by a company to customers who frequently make purchases, which may give a customer advanced access to new products, special sales coupons or free merchandise. |
LoyaltyProgram |
true |
false |
loyaltyProgramAccountIdentifier |
Loyalty Program account number. Example: ABC123456 |
string |
false |
false |
loyaltyRedemption |
A form of payment by which the customer uses a virtual currency of a Loyalty Program Account (such as air miles) in exchange for goods or services. |
array |
false |
LoyaltyRedemption |
--- |
false |
pax |
A person except members of the crew carried or to be carried with the consent of the carrier, on board of any transport vehicle such as aircraft, train, bus, ship. Holds the attributes specific to a one booking, from shopping to fulfillment. |
array |
false |
Pax |
--- |
false |
priorityCode |
Loyalty Program account priority within the tier (e.g. Platinum, executive, etc.) |
string |
false |
false |
signInIdentifier |
Loyalty Program sign-in ID (or username). |
string |
false |
false |
tierCode |
Loyalty Program tier code. |
string |
false |
false |
tierLevelCode |
Identifier for Loyalty Program tier Level. Example: GOLD |
string |
false |
false |
tierName |
Loyalty Program tier name. |
string |
false |
false |
tierPriorityText |
Loyalty Program account priority within the tier (e.g. Platinum, executive, etc.) |
string |
false |
false |
typeCode |
Individual or Corporate |
string |
false |
false |
"accountNumberCode" : "string",
"alliance" : {
"airline" : [ { } ],
"allianceCode" : { },
"allianceCriteria" : [ { } ],
"allianceMember" : [ { } ],
"loyaltyProgram" : [ { } ],
"loyaltyProgramAccount" : { },
"name" : "string",
"urlUri" : "string"
"bagSegment" : [ {
"bag" : { },
"bagActivity" : [ { } ],
"bagSegmentException" : [ { } ],
"changeIndCode" : { },
"currentSegmentInd" : "boolean",
"datedOperatingSegment" : { },
"hold" : { },
"holdCompartment" : { },
"loadSeqNumberOrdinal" : "integer",
"loyaltyProgramAccount" : [ { } ],
"segmentSecurity" : { },
"seqOrdinal" : "integer",
"serviceOffer" : { },
"uld" : { }
} ],
"carrier" : {
"aircraftGroup" : [ { } ],
"airlineAccountingCode" : "string",
"airlineCabinType" : [ { } ],
"airlineCriteria" : [ { } ],
"airlineDesigCode" : { },
"airlineLoadInfo" : [ { } ],
"airlineProfile" : { },
"alliance" : [ { } ],
"baggageAllowance" : { },
"baggageDisclosure" : { },
"baggageStandardWeights" : [ { } ],
"bagTag" : { },
"bookingEntity" : { },
"carrierAgent" : [ { } ],
"carrierAircraftType" : [ { } ],
"carrierFee" : { },
"clearance" : { },
"clearanceParty" : { },
"contactInfo" : [ { } ],
"contentOwner" : { },
"coupon" : { },
"crewBaggageStandardWeights" : [ { } ],
"crewStandardWeights" : [ { } ],
"datedMarketingSegment" : [ { } ],
"datedOperatingFlight" : [ { } ],
"datedOperatingSegment" : [ { } ],
"duplicateDesigInd" : "boolean",
"iataAircraftType" : [ { } ],
"iataNumber" : "number",
"loyaltyProgram" : { },
"loyaltyProgramAccount" : { },
"marketedOffer" : [ { } ],
"merchantAccount" : { },
"name" : "string",
"order" : [ { } ],
"orderItem" : [ { } ],
"paxStandardWeights" : [ { } ],
"programCriteria" : { },
"promotionIssuer" : { },
"service" : { },
"serviceDefinition" : [ { } ],
"shoppingResponse" : { },
"ticketIssuanceInfo" : { },
"uldType" : [ { } ],
"validatedOffer" : [ { } ],
"volumeUnitCode" : { },
"weightUnitCode" : { }
"loyaltyProgram" : {
"alliance" : { },
"carrier" : { },
"loyaltyProgram" : [ { } ],
"programCode" : "string",
"programName" : "string",
"providerName" : "string",
"urlUri" : "string"
"loyaltyProgramAccountIdentifier" : "string",
"loyaltyRedemption" : [ {
"certificateNumber" : "number",
"loyaltyCurAmount" : { },
"loyaltyProgramAccount" : { },
"paymentMethod" : { }
} ],
"pax" : [ {
"ageMeasure" : { },
"ageOrdinal" : "integer",
"alacarteofferitem" : [ { } ],
"bag" : [ { } ],
"birthdate" : "string",
"booking" : { },
"contactInfo" : [ { } ],
"countryOfCitizenship" : { },
"countryOfResidence" : { },
"customerValueNumber" : "number",
"existingOrderCriteria" : { },
"fareDetail" : { },
"foid" : { },
"identityDoc" : [ { } ],
"individual" : { },
"infant" : { },
"langUsage" : [ { } ],
"loyaltyProgramAccount" : [ { } ],
"offeredService" : [ { } ],
"org" : { },
"pax" : { },
"paxGroup" : { },
"paxIdentifier" : "string",
"paxSegment" : [ { } ],
"profileConsentInd" : "boolean",
"profileIdentifierText" : "string",
"promotion" : { },
"ptcCode" : "string",
"redressCase" : [ { } ],
"remark" : [ { } ],
"service" : [ { } ],
"ticketDocInfo" : { }
} ],
"priorityCode" : "string",
"signInIdentifier" : "string",
"tierCode" : "string",
"tierLevelCode" : "string",
"tierName" : "string",
"tierPriorityText" : "string",
"typeCode" : "string"