

An optimal position of the center of gravity of an aircraft depending on its weight.


Name Description Type Required Generic Enum Ignore
aftIndexValue Aft limit of the optimal CG area expressed in index units.. number false false
aftMacPercent Aft limit of the optimal CG area expressed as %MAC/RC. number false false
forwardIndexValue Forward limit of the optimal CG area expressed in index units. number false false
forwardMacPercent Forward limit of the optimal CG area expressed as %MAC/RC. number false false
idealTrimLineTable A Set of related Ideal Trim Line Points forming an ideal trim line applying to a specific set of CG limits or to all CG limits. IdealTrimLineTable true false
indexValue Value of the optimal CG expressed in index units. number false false
macPercent Value of the optimal CG expressed as %MAC/RC. number false false
weightMeasure Operating weight for which the optimal CG values apply. WeightMeasure false false

Referenced By

  "aftIndexValue" : "number",
  "aftMacPercent" : "number",
  "forwardIndexValue" : "number",
  "forwardMacPercent" : "number",
  "idealTrimLineTable" : {
    "aircraftGroupConfiguration" : { },
    "conditionText" : "string",
    "idealTrimPoint" : [ { } ],
    "rangeFromValue" : "number",
    "rangeToValue" : "number",
    "rangeTypeCode" : "string",
    "remark" : [ { } ],
    "tableName" : "string"
  "indexValue" : "number",
  "macPercent" : "number",
  "weightMeasure" : {
    "unitCode" : "string",
    "value" : "number"