

A location with a spatial attribute, probably on the surface of the earth. For example: Longitude and Latitude


Name Description Type Required Generic Enum Ignore
areaIdentifier The identifier of an area relevant to the business. Convention on identifier defined by the sender of the message. Potential example: 'PCA AB' for Passenger Check-in Area AB. string false false
bag A piece of luggage associated with a passenger, packed for traveling, and necessary or appropriate in connection with a journey. array false Bag --- false
device A Device upon which the secure transaction will occur. Device true false
geographicFilterCriteria A set of criteria used to filter results based on geographic preferences, including Area, State, City, Airport, or Geospatial information. GeographicFilterCriteria true false
lineIdentifier The identifier of a spatial line relevant to the business. Convention on identifier defined by the sender of the message. Potential example: 'PAP KRIC BNTLY CAVLR3 KIAD' for Planned Airway Path VOR name KRIC etc. string false false
naturalAreaGeocode Natural Area Geocode as defined by NAC Geographic Products Inc. Ex: 8KDB PGFD string false false
pointAltitudeMeasure The vertical distance of a level, a point or an object considered as a point, measured from mean sea level (MSL). Measure false false
pointElevationNumber The number of the spatial location point elevation. number false false
pointIdentifier The identifier of a point relevant to the business, to be located. Convention on identifier defined by the sender of the message. Potential example: 'BSP 123' for Bag Sortation Point 123. string false false
pointLatitudeNumber The number of the spatial location point latitude. number false false
pointLongitudeNumber The number of the spatial location point longitude. number false false
volumeIdentifier The identifier of a volume/space relevant to the business. Convention on identifier defined by the sender of the message. Potential example: 'ACS UPPER' for Upper Air Control Space. string false false
  "areaIdentifier" : "string",
  "bag" : [ {
    "bagDimension" : { },
    "bagException" : [ { } ],
    "bagLocationCity" : { },
    "bagLocationCountry" : { },
    "bagLocationRegion" : { },
    "bagPhysicalProperty" : { },
    "bagPosition" : { },
    "bagSegment" : [ { } ],
    "bagTag" : { },
    "crewMember" : { },
    "pax" : { },
    "service" : { }
  } ],
  "device" : {
    "browserAcceptHeaderText" : "string",
    "browserUserAgentHeaderText" : "string",
    "deviceCode" : "string",
    "deviceName" : "string",
    "geospatialLocation" : { },
    "ipAddressText" : "string",
    "macAddressText" : "string",
    "paymentTrx" : { },
    "phone" : { },
    "pos" : { },
    "presenceTypeCode" : { },
    "responseParameters" : { },
    "touchPointTrxCode" : "string",
    "typeCode" : { }
  "geographicFilterCriteria" : {
    "airlineProfileDataItem" : { },
    "areaCodeText" : "string",
    "coordRadiusMeasure" : { },
    "countryCode" : { },
    "countrySubDivisionCode" : { },
    "destPointOfferFilterCriteria" : { },
    "geospatialLocation" : { },
    "iataLocationCode" : { },
    "offerFilterCriteria" : { },
    "originPointOfferFilterCriteria" : { }
  "lineIdentifier" : "string",
  "naturalAreaGeocode" : "string",
  "pointAltitudeMeasure" : {
    "unitCode" : "string",
    "value" : "number"
  "pointElevationNumber" : "number",
  "pointIdentifier" : "string",
  "pointLatitudeNumber" : "number",
  "pointLongitudeNumber" : "number",
  "volumeIdentifier" : "string"