A Maximum load acceptable forward or aft of a given location (station/balance arm or section).
Name |
Description |
Type |
Required |
Generic |
Enum |
Ignore |
cumulativeLoadLimitationTable |
A Set of related cumulative load limitations. |
CumulativeLoadLimitationTable |
true |
false |
directionCode |
Direction of the cumulative load consideration. Forward = Consideration of load from the forward extremity of the aircraft to a point further aft. Aft = Consideration of load from the aft extremity of the aircraft to a point further forward. Individual = an isolated zone on the aircraft which does not include the forward or aft extremity of the aircraft. |
CumulativeLoadDirectionCode |
false |
false |
maximumWeightMeasure |
Maximum weight permitted within the specified zone. |
WeightMeasure |
false |
false |
zoneFromMeasure |
The balance arm that defines the start boundary of the zone of the aircraft that is to be considered for the zonal load limits. |
LengthMeasure |
false |
false |
zoneName |
Name of the zone to which the cumulative load applies. |
string |
false |
false |
zoneToMeasure |
The balance arm that defines the end boundary of the zone of the aircraft that is to be considered for the zonal load limits. |
LengthMeasure |
false |
false |
"cumulativeLoadLimitationTable" : {
"aircraftGroupConfiguration" : { },
"conditionText" : "string",
"cumulativeLoadLimitation" : [ { } ],
"rangeFromValue" : "number",
"rangeToValue" : "number",
"rangeTypeCode" : "string",
"remark" : [ { } ],
"tableName" : "string"
"directionCode" : {
"cumulativeLoadDirectionCodeEnum" : { }
"maximumWeightMeasure" : {
"unitCode" : "string",
"value" : "number"
"zoneFromMeasure" : {
"unitCode" : "string",
"value" : "number"
"zoneName" : "string",
"zoneToMeasure" : {
"unitCode" : "string",
"value" : "number"