An action of registering and validating one's readiness to travel.
Name |
Description |
Type |
Required |
Generic |
Enum |
Ignore |
earliestCheckInDateTime |
The earliest date and time a passenger can check-in. |
string |
true |
false |
transportDep |
An action or process of leaving of a transport vehicle from any place or location. |
array |
false |
TransportDep |
--- |
false |
"earliestCheckInDateTime" : "string",
"transportDep" : [ {
"aircraftParkingPosition" : { },
"aircraftScheduledDepDateTime" : "string",
"boardingGate" : { },
"checkIn" : { },
"checkInDesk" : { },
"datedOperatingLeg" : { },
"depStation" : { },
"depTerminal" : { },
"handlingBay" : { },
"terminalPier" : { },
"terminalSatellite" : { }
} ]