An Entity that is managing a booking.
Name |
Description |
Type |
Required |
Generic |
Enum |
Ignore |
bookingRef |
A location in a database where to find a booking. |
BookingRef |
true |
false |
carrier |
An organization which carries the passenger, baggage, or goods, and/or commits to delivering the carriage as well as any related services such as issuance of ticket, creation of Order, etc. |
Carrier |
false |
false |
city |
A City, town, or postal station (i.e. a postal service territory, often used in a military address, or metropolitan area). |
City |
false |
false |
code |
IATA code of the booking entity (e.g. KL for an airline or 1A for Amadeus GDS). |
string |
true |
false |
entityTypeCode |
Code used to identify the booking entity (such as airline or GDS). |
string |
true |
false |
identificationNumber |
7 to 8-digit booking entity identification number which may be one of the following: -the IATA/ARC travel agency number -TIDS (Travel Industry Designator Service) number |
number |
true |
false |
org |
An organized structure set up for a particular purpose, such as a business, government body, department, charity, or financial institution. |
Org |
false |
false |
"bookingRef" : {
"bookingCreationDateTime" : "string",
"bookingEntity" : { },
"bookingIdentifier" : "string",
"order" : { },
"org" : { },
"paxGroup" : { },
"service" : { },
"ticketDocInfo" : { },
"typeCode" : "string"
"carrier" : {
"aircraftGroup" : [ { } ],
"airlineAccountingCode" : "string",
"airlineCabinType" : [ { } ],
"airlineCriteria" : [ { } ],
"airlineDesigCode" : { },
"airlineLoadInfo" : [ { } ],
"airlineProfile" : { },
"alliance" : [ { } ],
"baggageAllowance" : { },
"baggageDisclosure" : { },
"baggageStandardWeights" : [ { } ],
"bagTag" : { },
"bookingEntity" : { },
"carrierAgent" : [ { } ],
"carrierAircraftType" : [ { } ],
"carrierFee" : { },
"clearance" : { },
"clearanceParty" : { },
"contactInfo" : [ { } ],
"contentOwner" : { },
"coupon" : { },
"crewBaggageStandardWeights" : [ { } ],
"crewStandardWeights" : [ { } ],
"datedMarketingSegment" : [ { } ],
"datedOperatingFlight" : [ { } ],
"datedOperatingSegment" : [ { } ],
"duplicateDesigInd" : "boolean",
"iataAircraftType" : [ { } ],
"iataNumber" : "number",
"loyaltyProgram" : { },
"loyaltyProgramAccount" : { },
"marketedOffer" : [ { } ],
"merchantAccount" : { },
"name" : "string",
"order" : [ { } ],
"orderItem" : [ { } ],
"paxStandardWeights" : [ { } ],
"programCriteria" : { },
"promotionIssuer" : { },
"service" : { },
"serviceDefinition" : [ { } ],
"shoppingResponse" : { },
"ticketIssuanceInfo" : { },
"uldType" : [ { } ],
"validatedOffer" : [ { } ],
"volumeUnitCode" : { },
"weightUnitCode" : { }
"city" : {
"bag" : { },
"bookingEntity" : [ { } ],
"cityName" : "string",
"country" : { },
"countrySubDivision" : { },
"iataLocationCode" : { },
"pos" : [ { } ],
"postalAddress" : [ { } ]
"code" : "string",
"entityTypeCode" : "string",
"identificationNumber" : "number",
"org" : {
"bookingEntity" : { },
"bookingRef" : [ { } ],
"clearance" : { },
"clearanceParty" : { },
"contactInfo" : [ { } ],
"contentOwner" : { },
"name" : "string",
"orgIdentifier" : "string",
"pax" : { },
"programCriteria" : { },
"promotionIssuer" : { },
"salesTaxRegistration" : [ { } ],
"taxDeductedAtSourceCapabilityInd" : "boolean"