

An additional name that can be associated with the structured names that appear in the individual entity. The structure consists of a generic proper name with associated type example Name - Smith Name Type Code: Father Surname Name - Park Name Type Code: Mother Surname


Name Description Type Required Generic Enum Ignore
individual A single human being as distinct from a group, class, or family. Individual false ${prop.ignore}
name A proper additional name is defined by the associated name type code and further clarified by the description text. Name - Smith Name Type Code: Father Surname Name - Park Name Type Code: Mother Surname string false ${prop.ignore}
nameTypeCode The type of proper name Examples Father Surname Mother Surname AddlNameTypeCode false ${prop.ignore}

Referenced By

  "individual" : {
    "addlName" : [ { } ],
    "agent" : [ { } ],
    "birthdate" : "string",
    "birthplaceSimpleText" : "string",
    "birthplaceText" : "string",
    "contactInfo" : [ { } ],
    "crewMember" : [ { } ],
    "employee" : [ { } ],
    "genderCode" : { },
    "givenName" : "string",
    "handlingAgency" : [ { } ],
    "identityDoc" : [ { } ],
    "individualIdentifier" : "string",
    "middleName" : "string",
    "nameTypeCode" : { },
    "pax" : [ { } ],
    "payer" : { },
    "suffixName" : "string",
    "surname" : "string",
    "titleName" : "string"
  "name" : "string",
  "nameTypeCode" : {
    "addlNameTypeCodeEnum" : { }